120 Chiropractic Inc.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
3rd Shift Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
A Accident & Injury Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
A Back In Balance Chiropractic & Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
A Gifted Hands Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Aaron Armbruster, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Aaxis Health Co.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Acceleration Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Accent Chiropractic & Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Access Health Centers
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Accident & Injury Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Accident Care Chiropractic & Massage of Tigard
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Accident Care Specialists
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | physical therapy |
Accident Wellness Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Active Life Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | 60 minute massage | 30 minute massage | 90 minute massage | mva 60 minute massage |
Active Massage Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | myofascial therapy | swedish massage | medical massage | shiatsu massage | manipulation therapy | reflexology massage |
Active Wellness Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
ActiveCare Sports Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Adam Dew, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Addison, Susan E, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Advanced Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Advanced Massage Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy | swedish massage | stretching | full body massage | reflexology massage |
Advanced Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Advantage Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Agger Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Agosta, Daniel, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Albert Bb Noble DC
Works at Enterprise Chiropractic Clinic
Albing D Jeffrey C P C
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Albing, Jeffrey, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Aldridge, Alexandra M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
All Family Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Allan, Judith E, DC
Works at Oregon Natural Health Clinic
Alley, Seth C, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Allie Rene Dashiell, DC, MS
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Alternative Health Care Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Alternative Healthcare
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Alvin Bautista, DC, MS
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Alvis Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Amarshi, Zahra, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
American Integrated Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Amidei, Aaron, DC
Works at Associated Physicians, Inc.
Amy Leslie, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ancina Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Anderson, Jeffrey A, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Anderson, Paige, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Andosca, Henre James, DC
Works at 120 Chiropractic Inc.
Andrine Louise De La Rocha, LMT
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy |
Angelic Healing Hands
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | 75 minute massage | 120 minute massage |
Anhao Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Anthony D Murray, LMT
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Anthony DC Esau Nd
Works at Parkrose Naturopathic Medical Clinic Inc
Aqua Terra Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | other types of massage | deep tissue massage (60 min appointment) | deep tissue massage (90 min appointment) | swedish massage (60 min appointment) | swedish massage (90 min appointment) |
Arica Roetemeyer, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Arthur Roy Murrell II, DC
Works at Kerns Wellness Center
Asha Integrative Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Aspen Chiropractic Associates PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Aspen Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | manipulation therapy |
Penny Domm DC
Works at Aspen Chiropractic Clinic
Associated Physicians, Inc.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Asula Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | manipulation therapy |
Athena Paradise DR DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Athena Zahn DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Aungst D James DC PC
Works at Westside Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | chiropractic injury treatment | disc herniation treatment | chiropractic laser therapy |
Auto and Work Injury Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | subluxation |
Avista Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Back In Shape Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Back Pain Clinic-Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Back To Health Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Backs On Burnside
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | stretching | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Baird, Carl Robert, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Balanced Health Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Balsiger Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Baltazar, Kelly Mary, DC
Works at National College-Natural Medcn
Baranick Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Barnes Road Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Barrett, Kelly S, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bartley, Jim, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bartoszewski, Melissa A, DC
Works at Stumptown Chiropractic
Beebe Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | ultrasound therapy | subluxation | cryotherapy | manipulation therapy |
Beeson Regenerative Health
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Beeson Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Belmont Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Belmont Street Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Berntsen Chiropractic PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Berntsen Lina
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Berntsen, Larry
Works at Berntsen Chiropractic PC
Best Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | prenatal massage | sports massage | deep tissue massage | swedish massage | acupressure | chiropractic injury treatment |
Best Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Betcone-Jolley, Barbara NC, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bethany Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Better Forever
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Blackbird Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | shiatsu massage |
Blackbird Natural Health
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | shiatsu massage |
Blue Heron Chiropractic & Healing Arts Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | stretching | chiropractic injury treatment | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic laser therapy |
Blyss Chiropractic and Acupuncture
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy | acupressure | medical massage | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy |
Bobby Maybee DC
Works at King Chiropractic Clinic
Bodhi Tree
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bodnar, Megan, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Body Elements Chiro
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Body Elements Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Brandt, Mark Aaron
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Braxton L Nguyen DC PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | stretching | disc herniation treatment |
Brian J Miller DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bridge City Health
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bridgeton Chiropractic, LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bridgeton Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bridgetown Chiropractic & Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Browse, Sheldon Z, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bruce D Chaser DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bryce J Milam DC
Works at Halbert Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | subluxation | manipulation therapy | disc herniation treatment | flexion distraction therapy |
Burland Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | myofascial therapy | ultrasound therapy | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Burlingame Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Burns, Cambrie, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Burns, Sandra K
Chiropractor in Portland OR
C for Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Caring Hands Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Carlson, John, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Carter, Halsy James, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cascade Chiropractic & Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cascade Spine & Injury Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Catherine Valenzuela DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
CDL Chiropractic Clinic, PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cedar Mill Back Pain Relief Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cedar Mill Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Center Chiropactic Pain Rehab
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Center For Chiropractic Pain & Rehabilitation Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Centered In Motion
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | manipulation therapy |
Centro Chiro
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chirocare Chiropractic Clinic P.C.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Chiropractic Art & Science
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic neurology | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care | orthogonal chiropractic |
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic Pc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Back Pain Cure
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Center of Raleigh Hills
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Chiropractic Central
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Cold Laser Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Deep Laser Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic for Lower Back Pain
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Healing Hands For You
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Hip Pain Cure
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Life Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Northwest
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Samantha Stuart
Works at Chiropractic Physicians and Rehabilitation
Chiropractic Plus
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Sciatica Cure
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Solutions
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor Cure Plus
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor Portland
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor Solutions
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor Trigger Point Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropratic Sandy DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chmelar, Bradley, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Choi Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | chiropractic injury treatment | disc herniation treatment | flexion distraction therapy |
Chris Chlebowski, D.C.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ciprian Robert DR
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Circle Health Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Circle Healthcare Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
City Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
City Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
City Fit Family Chiropractic Center LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | relaxation massage - 30 min | chiropractic - new patient examination | chiropractic - office visit (new problem) | chiropractic - pediatric new patient examination | massage - soft tissue therapy |
Clackamas Massage Rehab & Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Claudia Miriam Holderegger, DC
Works at Centered In Motion
Clearwater Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie OR
Works at Club Chiro
Areas of Expertise | spinal decompression | manipulation therapy |
Cohen, Abe, DC
Works at Office Building
Collins Victoria A Dc Pc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Common Ground Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | chiropractic injury treatment | flexion distraction therapy | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care | orthogonal chiropractic |
Common Ground Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | hydrotherapy | sauna | locker room | retail store | concierge |
Community Chiropractic & Ntrl
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Community Health Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Comphrensive Pain Clinic Of Portland
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Concordia Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Concordia Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Congdon, Carol P
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Conklin Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Corazon Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Core Balance Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Core Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Core Elements Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | stretching | subluxation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Cornerstone Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Corwin, Jan, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cory Anne Inhoff DC
Works at Back Pain Clinic-Chiropractic
Cottonwood Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Council On Chiro Practice
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cozzocrea, Dennis M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Craig Total Health Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy |
Craig Walker DC Inc
Works at Walker Family Chiropractic
Creston Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy |
Cristine M Wakefield, LMT
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Croisant, James G, DC
Works at Hands On Chiropractic Ctr
Cummings, Jeanette M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dan Suppnick, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dan Yan
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Daniel E Marshall DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dashiell, Allie, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Daskal, Sara Nicole, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
David Mealey DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | stretching | subluxation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
David Russ DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Davinci Natural Health Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Day Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | subluxation | chiropractic injury treatment | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic neurology |
DC Kimberly Queen
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dean Clark
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Debra Serlin DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Delta, Alexx, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dennis Michael Sullivan, D.C.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Devasto, Philip A, DC
Works at Hosmer Chiropractic Health
Devine Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic neurology | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care | orthogonal chiropractic |
Devyn Champagne
Works at King Chiropractic Clinic
Diagnostic Consultants
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | deep tissue massage | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy | medical massage |
Diamond, Peter E, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dietrick, James Ryan, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Discover Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Donald D Fox DC
Works at Fox Chiropractic
Donskoy, Karina, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Douglas Davies DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Downtown Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr Elizabeth Nguyen
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr Kathleen Vargovich
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Andrea Lynn Herrst, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | relaxation massage | chiropractic new patient examination | chiropractic office visit (new problem) | chiropractic office visit (re examination) | soft tissue therapy 120 min |
Dr. Andrew Alvis, DC
Works at Alvis Chiropractic
Dr. Ann Elaine Wilson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Anne A Prescott, DC
Works at Healing Touch Chiropractic
Dr. Anthony James Saboe, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Arden L Kirchem, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Arn Strasser Chiropractic and Cranial Therapy Specialist
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Barbara Jolley, DC, ND
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Betsy J Mitchell, DC
Works at Cottonwood Chiropractic
Dr. Beverly B Harger, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Bill N Henderson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Brad Farra, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Bryan F Baisinger, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Caroline M Platt, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Chelsea Markus, DC
Works at Hillsdale Chiropractic
Dr. Christene C Olshove, DC
Works at Back To Health Chiropractic
Dr. Christina Jaderholm, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Christine Sue Lewis, DC
Works at 3rd Shift Chiropractic
Dr. Christopher Cooper, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Daniel Wayne Capitano, DC
Works at Halbert Chiropractic
Dr. Darah A Ashton, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. David Abraham Sleman, DC
Works at Bethany Chiropractic
Dr. David Andrew Day, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Deborah D Santomero, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Dekebo Yadeto, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Dominga D Guerrero, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Edward Allan Hacmac, DC
Works at Croisant, James G, DC - Hands On Chiropractic Ctr
Dr. Elise G Hewitt, DC, CST, DICCP
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Elizabeth Nguyen, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Elliott Joel Mantell, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Gail Ott, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Gerald Manuell, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Gerry F Gerhart, DC
Works at Belmont Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Gregory Howard Stilson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jackie L Cashion, DC
Works at Halbert Chiropractic
Dr. James E Dicey
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. James Lee Andrews, DC
Works at Chiropractic Life Center
Dr. Jan J Corwin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jan L Bender, DC
Works at Avista Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Jason Lee Lindekugel, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jaysun Gregory Frisch, DO, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jeanette M Cummings, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jeff Felker, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jeffrey Keith Tunick, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jeffrey L Foster, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jen Wilhelm - Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jennifer Lynn Brocker, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jerome Craig, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic service | chiropractic treatment - chiro re-evaluation | new chiropractic patient exam | nutritional counseling - initial constultation | nutritional counseling - re-evaluation |
Dr. Jocelyn J Kirnak, DC
Works at Active Life Chiropractic
Dr. John James Moore, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jonathan Stewart Preiss, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jonathan Wong, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Joseph Anthony Medlin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Joshua J Paloma, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Judith J Boothby, DC
Works at Third Way Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology |
Dr. Justin Davis, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Kara Giaier, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Kevin K Colling, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Kevin M Segal, DC
Works at Back In Shape Chiropractic
Dr. Kimberly Mullen, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Larry C Lubcke, DC, DABCO
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Laura Jo Ziemer, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Lee P Cowan, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Leila Everall, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Lisa Jewell, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Lorraine L Ginter, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Louise Paez, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Lynn M Witte, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Marcus Dorsey, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | chiropractic injury treatment |
Dr. Maria M McNash, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Mario Doria, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Mario J Tomaino, DC
Works at Shephard Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Martin John Codino, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Mary Ann Penny Domm, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Mary Stoller, DC
Works at Stoller Chiropractic
Dr. Maryann M Geness, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Megan Zetter chiropractic physician
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Michael Justin Arnot, DC
Works at Hillsdale Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy | highlights | chiropractic laser therapy |
Dr. Michael Lell, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Michael S Sears, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Michael Stubbs, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Nathan Charles Pool, DC
Works at Pool Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Nathan Cokeley, DC
Works at Cornerstone Chiropractic
Dr. Nicholas Locke, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Nicole Holton, DC, PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Nicole N Bhalerao, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Noel N Snodgrass, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Patrick Sweigert Ryan, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Paul Burton Greenbaum, DC LAC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Paul Joseph Danis, DC
Works at Lombard Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Randy Allan Bell, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Randy Lee Hewitt, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Rebecca R Higginson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Rebecca Ruth Schacker, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Richard R Krein, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Rick Allen Long, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Rigel Alexander Wise, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Robert O Johns, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | ultrasound |
Dr. Robyn Finseth, MS, DC
Works at Gateway Chiropractic
Dr. Ronald R Johansen, DC
Works at Chiropractic Life Center
Dr. Ronald Robert Knight, DC
Works at Duniway Park Chiropractic
Dr. Ronald William Kreger, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Rusty Roberts
Works at Woodstock Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Ryan M McDaid, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Sally S Green, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Samantha Stuart, PC
Works at Chiropractic Physicians and Rehabilitation: Samantha Stuart
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | spinal adjustments | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Sandra K Burns, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Seth D Watterson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Shireesh S Bhalerao, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Stephanie Ann Grootendorst, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Stephen Besser, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Stephen Wagner, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Susan D. Gray, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Susan Elizabeth Strom, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise |
Dr. Theresa Ann Pitcairn, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Theresa M King, DC
Works at Creston Chiropractic Clinic
Dr. Thomas Freedland, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Tilene Figeroa, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Timothy Chase Waldrup, MS, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Todd T Woods, MD
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Tony Rhodes, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Tyler John Emmert, DC
Works at Cornerstone Chiropractic
Dr. Walter C Trapp, DC
Works at Alternative Health Care Chiropractic Center
Dr. Willa P Hendrickson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. William E Harden, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. William John Schneider, DC
Works at Chiropractic Central
Dr. Zchon Jones, DC
Works at Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic
Dr.William Pleau
Works at Davinci Natural Health Center
Duarte William Daom Lac
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Duniway Park Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dutton, David, DC
Works at Hosmer Chiropractic Health
Dynamic Balance
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | sports massage | deep tissue massage | myofascial therapy | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology | stretching | chiropractic injury treatment |
Dynamic Therapeutic Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | 60 minute therapeutic massage | 60 minute couples massage | 60 minute ashiatsu | 30 minute tune-up | 45 minute focus massage | 60 minute new client special | 75 minute ashiatsu |
Earl Duncan DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Eastside Spine & Injury
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Eastside Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Eddy B Mydouangchanh
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Element Wellness and Sports Rehabilitation
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Elevation Chiropractic & Rehabilitation
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Embodied Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Enterprise Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Equilibrium, LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Erdman Terrance E Dc Pc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | deep tissue massage | myofascial therapy | swedish massage | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology | chiropractic laser therapy |
Ethos Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Eve Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | stretching | chiropractic injury treatment | disc herniation treatment | intersegmental traction |
Evolve Performance Healthcare
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Failla, Marcelitte, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Family Life Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Family Roots Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Fanno Creek Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ferrante Don D C DC
Works at Back Pain Clinic-Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | acne facial | anti aging facial | deep cleansing or european facial | microdermabrasion facial |
Fielding, Brady, DC
Works at Tigard Chiropractic
Finley R M Nd
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Fish, Randall
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Fisher Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Fletcher, Jennifer A, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Flores Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupressure | pediatric chiropractic | chiropractic injury treatment | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic neurology | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care |
Flowers Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Fox Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Frances V Verzosa MD
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Funk, Andrew J, DC
Works at Sunset Chiropractic
Fusion Bodyworks PDX
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | pregnancy massage | therapeutic massage | relaxation massage | the nitty gritty | decadence | convergence | the whole shebang |
Gateway Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy |
Gateway Sports Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Gentle Chiro
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Gentle Chiropractic Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
George Siegfried DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Giaier, Kara, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Gloeckner, Ryan M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Goldenberg Lee DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Good News Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Goodwill, Christina
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Grace, Thomas, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Graceful Hands Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | myofascial therapy | swedish massage | aromatherapy massage | manipulation therapy | reflexology massage | mini facial |
Graeme, Jordan M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Graffeo Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | whiplash |
Gray Susan DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Greenburg Rd Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Greg Kirchem DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Gresham Acupuncture
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Gross Cheryl R DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | initial consultation | other types of chiropractic treatment | initial consultation with x-rays | follow-up visit | follow-up visit with x-rays |
Growing Care Pdx
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hagen Paul W Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hakala, Lynn
Works at A Gifted Hands Chiropractic
Halbert Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Halko, Daniel O, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hamburg Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Han, Jay, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hanberg Larry
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Harden Chiropractic PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Harger, Beverly, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Harmon, Nathan, DC
Works at Health & Wellness Chiropractic Center
Harmony Therapeutic Bodywork
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | sports massage | deep tissue massage | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy | shiatsu massage |
Harper Dwight R DC PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hartje Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hawthorne Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hawthorne Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | manipulation therapy |
Healing Hands Chiropractic Clinic PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Healing Touch Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Healing Tree Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | 75 minute massage | 90 minute massage | 1/2 hour massage | 1 hour massage | 1 hour massage with hot stones | 75 minute massage with hot stone | 90 minute massage with hot stone |
Health & Wellness Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Health Centers Of Uws East Portland
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Health Centers of UWS
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Health Centers Of Uws-Campus
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Health On Hawthorne Chiro
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Health Source Chiropractic and Progressive Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Health Touch Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | subluxation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment | chiropractic laser therapy |
HealthSource Chiropractic of Portland East
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Healthsource of Cedar Mill
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Heart Spring Health LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture - 60 min follow up visit | acupuncture - 120min initial visit | naturopathic medicine - 60min follow up visit | naturopathic medicine - 2 hour |
Hedgehog Strong
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Helton John
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | applied kinesiology | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment | disc herniation treatment |
Hennes, Benjamin L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Henry, Kelley M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Herold, Kate, DC
Works at Herold, Kate: Kate Herold
Herold, Kate: Kate Herold
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Heuchert Rudolph DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hillsdale Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hinojosa Carlos DC
Works at Northwest Chiropractic & Medical
Areas of Expertise | initial consultation and treatment | followup visit |
Hirsch Surah H Dr
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hohensee, Drew, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Holderegger Mc, Claudia M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Holistic HEALTH Solutions PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hollingsworth, Trevor W, DC
Works at Sunset Chiropractic
Hollywood Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Holton, Nicole L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hood View Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hosmer Chiropractic Health
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | myofascial therapy | aromatherapy massage | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology | stretching | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Hosmer Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hsia, Carrie, DC
Works at Asha Integrative Wellness
Hubbell, Daniel L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Iggledun, Lynn S, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Illo Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Imagine Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Infinite Vitality - Chiropractic and Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Innate Graphix
Chiropractor in Portland OR
INNER Essence CHIROPRACTIC & Healing Center, LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Inner Essence Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | sports massage | deep tissue massage | myofascial therapy | reiki massage | stretching | reflexology massage |
Integrative Chiropractic & Wellness Spa
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | pediatric chiropractic | craniosacral massage | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Integrity Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Irvington Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | manipulation therapy |
Isfeld, Adam D, DC
Works at Eastside Spine & Injury
Jade Chiropractic DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
James Aungst Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
James Bowman, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
James J Peck MD FACS
Chiropractor in Portland OR
James, Nahinuokala, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jayde Theobald, LMT
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jeffrey Burch Ms Lmt
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | chiropractic adjustments | craniosacral massage | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Jerome M Fladoos, DC
Works at Portland Chiropractic Clinic
Jesse Brockey DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jessica Southavilay Jackson, LMT
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jewell Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jna Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jod Hale Lmt
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Johnson, Laurel L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Johnson, Tyrel Aaron, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jonathan McClaren, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jonathon Preiss Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Joseph A Graffeo, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Justin DR Whittaker DC
Works at Whittaker Wellness & Performance Center
Kahn Chiropratic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | spinal decompression |
Karen A Wager DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Karen DC Kelsall Lmt
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Here are more Portland OR Chiropractors
Karvonen Gail M DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kathleen DC Vargovich Imt
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Keller, Cydney, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kelly Barrett DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kelly Morgensen DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kelly, Kate, DC
Works at Hedgehog Strong
Kelly, Shane P, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kelsall Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | 60-minute massage | 90-minute massage | 30-miute massage | 60-min mva massage |
Kennedy Crosby, Jeanne
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kenneth L Crandell DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kenneth P Nelson DC Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kenneth T Murphy DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kenton Chiropractic And Acupuncture
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kernack Jocelyn DC
Works at Active Life Chiropractic
Kerns Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kerr, Laura Jean, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Key Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Khalsa Chiropractic Pain Rlf
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Khalsa Pain Relief Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | manipulation therapy |
Kim Queen DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
King Chiropractic Clinic Southeast
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
King Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
King William R DC
Works at King Chiropractic Clinic Southeast
Kirchem Chiropractic Associates
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Knecht Allen DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Knight, Justin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Korin Rasmussen
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | myofascial therapy | chiropractic adjustments | craniosacral massage | manipulation therapy |
Kostin, Vladislav, DC
Works at Northwest Chiropractic & Medical
Kreger Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | chiropractic adjustments | ultrasound therapy | cryotherapy | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Ku, Brenda B, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
L Hubbard Kelly DC
Works at Total Health Wellness Center
Areas of Expertise | whiplash | irritable bowel syndrome |
L James Robert DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Laarabi, Jacqueline, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lakeview Chiropractic & Natrl
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Laub Family & Sports Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Laughing Swan Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Laura A Swingen, DC
Works at Sunset Chiropractic
Laura Lee Baffes, Other
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Laura Miller, D.C.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustment | chiropractic consultation | chiropractic follow up |
Laurelhurst Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | 30 minute massage | 1 hour massage | chiropractic treatment - consultation | extended chiropractic visit |
Laurelhurst Massage Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | swedish massage | acupressure | sauna | couples massage | stretching | thai massage |
Lead Savvy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Leavitt Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lee Mccaffey DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lee P Cowan, Dc - Cowan Lee P Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Leitner Peter
Works at Pentimento Inc
Lennon Amy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Lensgraf, Derrick, DC
Works at Associated Physicians, Inc.
Levy Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lifetimer International
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | flexion distraction therapy |
Ligon III, Robert S, DC
Works at Trilogy Health
Lindley Tayla Lac
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Livingston Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Livingston, Shannon, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Livingston, Shannon
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lombard Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic neurology | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care | orthogonal chiropractic |
Lord, Christine D, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Lubcke Larry C Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lula Health Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | applied kinesiology | craniosacral massage | chiropractic injury treatment | disc herniation treatment |
Luna Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lybarger, James J, DC
Works at Fanno Creek Chiropractic
Macadam Massage Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mackay, Daniel, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Maddox, Catherine, DC
Works at Sunset Chiropractic
Mandala Medicine & Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mandy Marziaz, DC
Works at Embodied Chiropractic
Manual Medicine & Rehab Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Marcum Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Marcum Dale DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | stretching | chiropractic injury treatment | intersegmental traction |
Marian H Fish DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy | chiropractic adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | manipulation therapy | chiropractic laser therapy |
Marks, Bruce A, DC
Works at Richmond Family Health Center
Marrone, Anthony, DC
Works at Phoenix Chiropractic
Marshall Family Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Marshall Street Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mary Mandeville DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Massage And Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Massage On The Go
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | myofascial therapy | swedish massage | aromatherapy massage | manipulation therapy | reflexology massage | mini facial |
Master's Touch Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
McCary, Danielle E, DC
Works at Laurelhurst Chiropractic
McClure Joyce DC Dacrb
Works at Hosmer Chiropractic
Mcguire Dan
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | myofascial therapy | acupressure | aromatherapy massage | medical massage | applied kinesiology | stretching | chiropractic injury treatment |
McKenzie Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
McMakin, Carolyn, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
McMillan Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic appointment | chiropractic treatment -graston treatment | new patient chiropractic appointment |
McMullen, Molly
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Medeiros, Jasmin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Medlin, Joseph A, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Melanie Mamola DC
Works at Cottonwood Chiropractic
Michael Peters Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | spinal decompression | therapeutic exercise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Milwaukie Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie Rehab & Wellness Ctr
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie Spine & Sport
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie Yoga Studio
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | spinal decompression | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | stretching | reflexology massage |
Mississippi Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Mode Adjust
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Montavilla Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Moreland Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Morgensen, Kelly, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Morse Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Moskowitz, Megumi N, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mount Tabor Acupunture
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mountain Park Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Mr Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Muehleip, Maxwell E, DC
Works at Agger Chiropractic Clinic
Multnomah Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Munoz, Bianka N, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mutter DR DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mutter, Daniel, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
My Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Myers Cyndi DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | pediatric chiropractic | craniosacral massage | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Namaste Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Namaste Integrated Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Narcisi, Benjamin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Natural Balance Chiro Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Natural Balance Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Neighborhood Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Nelson Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Nelson, Lawrence K, DC
Works at Live Well Health Ctr
Nestler, Kenneth, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Nguyen Family Chiropractic PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Noel Snodgrass
Chiropractor in Portland OR
North Portland Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
North Portland Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Northwest Chiropractic & Medical
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Northwest Physical Therapy Care, LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Northwest Vitality Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture treatment | office visit nutrition | new client examination (acupuncture) |
Novak, Melinda, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Novick Larry Dc
Works at Downtown Chiropractic
Nueva Esperanza Marcelino Vera
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Oak Hills Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ochs, Kristin Lh, DC
Works at McMillan Chiropractic
O'Connor, Joan M, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Office Building
Chiropractor in Portland OR
O'meara Marelle Dc
Works at Caring Hands Chiropractic
Optimum Function Chiropractic Nutrition Functional Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Orchid Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Oregon C S Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Oregon Natural Health Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ott Chiropractic Nw
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Overlook Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | manipulation therapy |
Pacheco, Ronald, DC
Works at Devine Chiropractic
Pacific Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pacific Health Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pacific Healthcare
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pacific Medical Group North Portland Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | internal medicine | x-rays | pediatric care | diabetes care | family practice | primary care | immunizations |
Paloma Chiropractic and Massage Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Parekh, Mehul, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Parkrose Chiropractic & Health Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Parkside Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | myofascial therapy | acupressure | medical massage | applied kinesiology | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Parkview Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Paul E Okamoto DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | subluxation | chiropractic injury treatment | flexion distraction therapy |
Pdx Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pearl Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Peck, James J, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pelley, Lindsay, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pennington Massage Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | relaxation | injury recovery | massage for chronic and acute pain | specialty massage |
Pentimento Inc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Peter Overvold DC
Works at Portland Spine Center
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Peterson, Cory, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Peterson, Matthew, DC
Works at Cornerstone Chiropractic
Petrovic, Martin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pham, Anthony Q, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Phoenix Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pierce, Allyson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pioneer Chiropractic & Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Plasker, Jacob, DC
Works at Sunset Chiropractic
Platt John L
Works at Woodstock Chiropractic Clinic
Pool Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Alternative Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | shiatsu massage | new patient appointment (1 hr 30 min) | craniosacral therapy (1 hr) | follow up appointment (1 hr) | lunch (1 hr) |
Portland Auto Accident Chiropractor Portland Or
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Chiropractic Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Chiropractic Group Inc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology |
Portland Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | sports massage | deep tissue massage | hot stone massage | swedish massage | chiropractic adjustments | stretching | full body massage |
Portland Healing Space
Works at Red Leaf Natural Health Clinic
Areas of Expertise | massage | new patient acupuncture | holistic pelvic care | new patient mva acupuncture | return acupuncture | return mva acupuncture | 60 min mva massage |
Portland Injury-Rehab Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Massage & Chiropractic Services
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | massage services | relieve whiplash pain | restore range of motion to limbs | rebuild damaged tissue & muscles | promote healing | alleviate body aches & pain | improve blood flow |
Portland Pro Health Therapies
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Portland Spine Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Wellness Care
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Powell Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Premier Care Chiropractic + Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Presidents Office
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Priority Health Group
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Progressive Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pure Life Clinic Chiro DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pure Life Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | sports massage | pregnancy massage | deep tissue massage | hot stone massage | swedish massage |
R Gross Cheryl DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | new patient (1 hr) | return patient (30 min) |
Rachael Pandzik DC
Works at Hosmer Chiropractic
Radiant Pain Relief Centers
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Raleigh Warren DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ramey, Dokken
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ramji, Jenna, DC
Works at Red Leaf Natural Health Clinic
Randy Leavitt DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Recovery Works NW
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Reddin Jasmar Dcpc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Redinger, Lesley Ann, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | initial chiropractic consultation |
Remien, Michelle D, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Richard H Crokin DC
Works at Fox Chiropractic
Rief, David S, DC
Works at Milwaukie Spine & Sport
Ritch L Seifert D C
Works at Oak Hills Chiropractic
River West Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Robert Ratzow, DC, BA
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Robin Le Blanc, Dc - Le Blanc Robin Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Robinson, Jeff, DC
Works at Portland Pro Health Therapies
Rockwood Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Rod, Jolett, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Roger P Setera DC
Works at Starkwood Chiropractic
Ronald E Kibert DC
Works at All Family Chiropractic Clinic
Roseway Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Roy, Murrell
Works at Kerns Wellness Center
Ryan DC Fisher Chiropratic Phys
Chiropractor in Portland OR
S Clayton Cindy DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sacred Ground Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | massage | craniosacral therapy | prenatal massage | bundle of 3 one hour massage | bundle up this winter |
Salaz Stephen Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sally Jo Armstrong, LMT, CA, NCTMB
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sam Nd Won DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sarah Conroy DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Schaefer Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Schildmeyer, Amelia, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Schmidt Beth L Chiropractic Phy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Schneider, William J, DC
Works at Chiropractic Central
Schoepp, Erica, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Schuldt, Jill, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Scott Bernhard DC
Works at Oregon Chiropractic Services
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy | urgent chiropractic care |
Sean White, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sears Michael Chirprctc Phy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Seasons Theraputic Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | sunday | ray hildebrand lmt : oregon license #8146 | at seasons therapeutic massage llc. | wednesday | thursday - saturday |
Sedei, Richard S, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Selchow, Cathryn L, ND
Works at Herold, Kate: Kate Herold
Sellers, Timothy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sellwood Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | arthritis | whiplash | sciatica | carpal tunnel syndrome | nutritional counseling | irritable bowel syndrome | bunions |
Senh Kevin Chong, Dc - Chong Senh Kevin Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Senju Holistic Healing
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | craniosacral therapy | deep tissue | medical massage | lymph drainage | swedish | lymphatic breast care | shiatsu / acupressure |
Serlin Debra Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Shephard Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Shiatsu Center Inc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupressure | shiatsu massage | stretching |
Shields, J R
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Shipley David J Nd
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Shulak, Barry D, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sibilla Dana DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Simons, Jennifer C, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Simply Chiropractic Milwaukie
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sims, Brian B, DC
Works at Eastside Spine & Injury
Skyline Chiropractic & Acupuncture
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Skyline Integrative Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | therapeutic exercise | craniosacral massage | manipulation therapy |
Snell Phillips
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Snellgrove K C Dc Pc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sooze Spa Services
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | full body massage | chiropractic injury treatment | reflexology massage | highlights | face massage |
Southsore Ipt DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Southwest Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Spark Of Life
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Spine Tree Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Spine Tree Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Staehle, Erika, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Starkwood Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Stein, Kristy, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Steven Gary Cranford, DC, ND
Works at Sandy Boulevard Rectal Clinic
Areas of Expertise | constipation | emergency care | cryotherapy | ulcer | lesions | skin cancer |
Steven L Gardner DC Nd
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Steven L Sebers, DC FACO
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Stewart, Christopher, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Stites James M
Works at Imagine Chiropractic
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | subluxation |
Stoller Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Straight Up Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Strasser Chiropractic Center P.C.
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Strasser, ARN, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Strom Susan Dcpc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Stroud, Eric D
Works at Holistic HEALTH Solutions PC
Stumptown Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sulis Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sunrise Chiropractic Center Inc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sunset Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy | flexion distraction therapy |
Sunstone Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Surah H Hirsch DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Susan E Strom DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Suzana Levy DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sylvan Chiropractic Clinic and Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology | subluxation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment | highlights |
Tangelo - Portland Chiropractor + Rehab
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Taylor, James L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Team Rehab of Bridgeport
Chiropractor in Portland OR
The Bicycle Chiropractor
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | chiropractic neurology | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care | mobile chiropractic care |
The Center for Natural Healing
Chiropractor in Portland OR
The Joint Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
The Wellness Center PDX
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Therapia Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology | stretching | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Theresa White DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Third Way Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Thistle Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Thistle, Todd Dalyn, DC
Works at Thistle Chiropractic
Thomas, Meghan E, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tiferet Chiropractic Wellness
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tigard Chiropractic Clinic & Massage Therapy
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tigard Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic visit (15 min) |
Tigard Family Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Tigard Plaza Chiro
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Timber Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tollenaar Drake
Works at Cornerstone Chiropractic
Tom Takeuchi DC
Works at Key Chiropractic
Scott Conklin DC
Works at Total Family Chiropractic
Total Health Wellness Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | whiplash | irritable bowel syndrome |
Tran Chiropratic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tran, Tony, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Transcend Body Work
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | sports massage | deep tissue massage | chair massage | dent removal |
Trilogy Health
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Truong, Dan Minh, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tse Samuel DR
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Turnbull Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tuttle, John S, DC
Works at Chiropractic Center of Raleigh Hills
Tyna Moore, ND, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tyrone DC Wei Dacbr
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ultra Chiropractic & Rehab
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | other types of chiropractic treatment | chiropractic treatment - initial consultation | chiropractic treatment - follow up visit |
Unity Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic (45 min) |
Upper Spine Northwest
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Valerie BS King DC
Works at King Chiropractic Clinic
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic injury treatment |
Valerie Lynn Vogel DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Vanidestine, Thomas, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Vislocky, Madelynn, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Waikwong's Chiropractic and Natural Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Walker Family Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Walsh Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Walty, Christine R, DC
Works at Devine Chiropractic
Watson Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Watson, Amy L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Weber, Anthony, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Wellness Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Wellspring Massage Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | hot stone massage | myofascial therapy | medical massage |
West Burnside Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
West Hills Chiropractic Clnc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | prenatal massage | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments |
West Portland Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | chiropractic treatment - new patient visit | chiropractic treatment - existing patient visit |
Whole Health Medical Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | therapeutic exercise | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology | flexion distraction therapy | chiropractic neurology | urgent chiropractic care | holistic chiropractic care |
Whole Mamma Whole Child
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | naturopathic medicine - men's wellness exam | chiropractic treatment - new patient- chiropractic | chiropractic treatment - return -nd/dc |
Willard, Gregory P, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
William A. Econe, DCPC, DBA Barnes Road Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
William Thoens DC
Works at Thogerson Design
Willow DC Moore Nd
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Winer Michael Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Winn Braxton
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Woodland, Kelsey L, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Woodstock Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | spinal decompression | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment | highlights |
Wscc Campus Chiropractic And Medical Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Yamoguchi Leah DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Yogerst, Christina N, DC
Works at Asha Integrative Wellness
Ys Chiropractors
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Yurkish, Kevin, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Zander, Christopher, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Zelasko, Jeffrey A, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Holton, Nicole, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Vanderloo, Lance R, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jeanne Kennedy-Crosby DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | applied kinesiology | stretching | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Ramji, Jenna, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Portland Healing Space
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | massage | new patient acupuncture | holistic pelvic care | new patient mva acupuncture | return acupuncture | return mva acupuncture | 60 min mva massage |
Dr. Rebecca L Reese, MD
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | whiplash | sinusitis | lesions |
Dr. Mario J Tomaino, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Murphy Kenneth T DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. William John Schneider, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Community Chiropractic & Natural Medicine
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Christine Sue Lewis, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Marks, Bruce A, FNP
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Craig Walker DC Inc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jocelyn J Kirnak, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kernack Jocelyn DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Remedy Chiropractic & Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | initial chiropractic consultation |
Dr. Daniel D Beeson, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | subluxation | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Brittany Marie Plymell, MD
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Walty, Christine R, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Pacheco, Ronald, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Claudia Miriam Holderegger, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Kevin M Segal, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Anthony DC Esau Nd
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Christene C Olshove, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ronald E Kibert DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Khalsa Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Chelsea Markus, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Michael Justin Arnot, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | manipulation therapy | highlights | chiropractic laser therapy |
Peter Overvold DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Mary Stoller, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Ann King Tarr, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
King William R DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
The Bodhi Tree Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hsia, Carrie, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Yogerst, Christina N, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bryce J Milam DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | subluxation | manipulation therapy | disc herniation treatment | flexion distraction therapy |
Dr. Jackie L Cashion, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Daniel Wayne Capitano, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Amy K Lennon, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | myofascial therapy | stretching | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Stroud, Eric D
Chiropractor in Portland OR
A Back In Balance Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Gerry F Gerhart, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Ronald Robert Knight, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Steven Gary Cranford, DC, ND
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | constipation | emergency care | cryotherapy | ulcer | lesions | skin cancer |
Baltazar, Kelly Mary, DC
Works at NCNM Clinic
Portland Chiropractic Group
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | pediatric chiropractic | applied kinesiology |
Arthur Roy Murrell II, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Robinson, Jeff, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Healing Arts Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Betcone-Jolley, Barbara, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Rachael Pandzik DC
Works at Healing Arts Clinic
McClure Joyce DC Dacrb
Works at Healing Arts Clinic
Tuttle, John S, DC
Works at Chiropractic Center Of Raleigh
Chiropractic Center Of Raleigh
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | manipulation therapy |
Dr. Theresa M King, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Anne A Prescott, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Paul Joseph Danis, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Beeson Chiropractic Center
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | nutritional consultation | chiropractic adjustments | spinal adjustments | subluxation | manipulation therapy |
Burlingame Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Marrone, Anthony, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ochs, Kristin LH, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
L Hubbard Kelly DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | whiplash | irritable bowel syndrome |
William Thoens DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Accident and Wellness Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Muehleip, Maxwell E, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
McCary, Danielle E, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Roger P Setera DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Rief, David S, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Sims, Brian B, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bartoszewski C, Melissa A, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Zchon Jones, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie Chiropractic & Massage Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | nutritional consultation | spinal decompression | acupressure | chiropractic adjustments | stretching | manipulation therapy |
Berntsen, Larry
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Funk, Andrew J, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Hollingsworth, Trevor W, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Laura A Swingen, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Harmon, Nathan, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tom Takeuchi DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Milwaukie Massage Clinic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ligon III, Robert S, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Stites James M
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | chiropractic adjustments | subluxation |
Albert Bb Noble DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Roy, Murrell
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Jan L Bender, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | electrical muscle stimulation | manipulation therapy |
Devasto, Philip A, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dutton, David, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Justin DR Whittaker DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Joseph A Graffeo, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Everett House Chiropractic
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Walter C Trapp, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Schneider, William J, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Namaste Allen Knecht DC
Works at Integrated Medicine
Allan, Judith E, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Burch Jeffrey Ms LLC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | deep tissue massage | chiropractic adjustments | craniosacral massage | manipulation therapy | chiropractic injury treatment |
Leitner Peter
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ciprian, Robert, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Novick Larry Dc
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Marelle M O'Meara, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Donald D Fox DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Ronald R Johansen, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. James Lee Andrews, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. David Abraham Sleman, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Jerome M Fladoos, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Lybarger, James J, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Tollenaar Drake
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Nathan Cokeley, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Tyler John Emmert, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Peterson, Matthew, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr James E Dicey DC PC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Herold, Kate, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Fielding, Brady, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Robyn Finseth, MS, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Corazon Chiropractic Clinic-Portland
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Rusty Roberts
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Platt John L
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Betsy J Mitchell, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Nathan Charles Pool, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mandala Medicine Acupuncture
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Andrew Alvis, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Kelly, Kate, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Premier Care Chiropractic + Massage
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Cohen, Abe, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Andosca, Henre James, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. David Alan Baum, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Nelson, Lawrence K, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Ritch L Seifert D C
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Nagasaka, Sean, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Valerie BS King DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Bobby Maybee DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Devyn Champagne
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Carol Patricia Congdon, LMT
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Mandy Marziaz, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Melanie Mamola DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Dr. Judith J Boothby, DC
Chiropractor in Portland OR
Areas of Expertise | acupuncture | therapeutic exercise | chiropractic adjustments | applied kinesiology |
Nathan C. Pool
Owner at pool chiropractic clinic
Areas of Expertise | sports medicine doctor |
Ali Khoshbin
Chiropractor at Back To Life Chiropractic Clinic
Sunalta Construction LLC
Sunalta Construction LLC at Sunalta Construction LLC
Areas of Expertise | fencing | bathroom remodels | patios & decks | siding contractor | deck and porch builder | kitchen remodeling contractor |
Rose City Wildlife Experts
animal control service
ProCare Chiropractic Center
Professional Chiropractors
PACE For Chiropractors - Neuro Centric Approach
owner at PACE For Chiropractors - Neuro Centric Approach