Cameron IP Law
Works at Norman Milburn Cameron
Areas of Expertise | patient lawyers | trademark lawyers |
Bronson Jones and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | personal injury law |
Canmake Immigration
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | criminal law | wills | civil litigation | conveyancing | incorporation | buying and selling businesses | immigration law | notarization | other legal services |
Jeffery and Calder
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Irina Novinska Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
A. H. Northey
Works at Poulsen and Company
Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Access Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Access Law Office Kallen Fong
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ace Legal Firm Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | legal services | immigration law |
Acumen Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert Laurie
Barrister & Solicitor at Ad Lucem Law Corp
Adrian and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Adrian Picard Barrister Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Affinity Corporate Management
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alan M Ross
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Aldridge and Rosling
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alex L. Eged Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Alexander Lisa C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alexander Mackoff
Works at Lando and Company LLP
Allegra Solutions
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alliance Lex
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Altman and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Altridge Peter
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alvin Hui Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Amanda J. Wheat Barrister and Sollicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Amanda Rogers Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
American Immigration Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | waivers of inadmissibility | nafta issues | intracompany transfer visas (l-1) | investment visas (e-2) | us business formation |
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Amlani and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andersen Jack
Works at Penny Paul
Anderson Sinclair Professional Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andersson Cross Border Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrew Nelson lawyer
Works at Johnson Doyle Sugarman
Andrews Youngman Tax Services
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Aneez N. Devji Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Anelize Aguiar
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Angela M. Spanjers Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Angela Rinaldis Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anjili Bahadoorsingh
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anjos Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Annina M Bernardo Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
A. Keith Mitchell
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial litigation | lawyers | aviation law | banking & lending laws | construction & engineering law | corporate/commercial law | defamation & public risk management |
Alibhai Aiyaz
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
A. H. Northey
Works at Poulsen and Company
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Alexander D. Mitchell
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Denis Walz Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dentons Canada LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Deck Macauley M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
DeJong Ariel
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dean D Pietrantonio
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ahmed Tariq
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Derpak White Spencer LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Allan Marion J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Aldridge Vince
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Demers Michael G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
David Kandestin
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Alexander J Chang
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Deborah W Flood
Works at Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation
Dawson Joanna
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McBeath James H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McDonnell Paul A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dennis Sally
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
De Kleine Geoffrey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alexander Baer
Works at Bull Housser and Tupper LLP
Alison Ouellet (Barrister and Solicitor)
Works at Dunnaway Jackson Ouellet and Associates
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
David J Selley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McAlister Hallam
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alexander J Boland
Works at Farris
McCloy Roderick H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Deborah H Taylor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McArthur Peter J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
DeFilippi Richard R E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Matthew K C Tsui
Works at Lim and Company Lawyers
McDonell Allan QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Davison Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate commercial law |
Maxwell Hopman Mennie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dennis K Fitzpatrick
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Daylyn J Miller
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Derek Mah Law
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
David J McLellan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McAfee Janis
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Maynard Kischer Stojicevic Citizenship and Immigration Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
DelBigio Gregory P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Adrienne Murray
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dean Neumann Professional Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McArthur Emma A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Deering Robert
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Alex L. Eged Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Marzban Dinyar QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
A Markham-Zantvoort
Works at Comparelli and Co
Davis Rob
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dawson Scott A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Derek A Birch Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Delaney Harvey S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MC Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mayes Allen T J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Albert McClean
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | business law | tax | real estate | litigation | intellectual property | law firm | technology |
Adam D Wanke
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Maxis Law corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dennis C Quinlan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dee Dwight D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Derbawka Janet L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mazzone Perry A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McDonald Hannah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McCafferty Tim P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McAlpine and Associates
Works at John D McAlpine
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Mcewan Cooper Dennis LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Max Pinsky Personal Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
May Spencer O
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Davies Marylee A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McDonald David T
Works at Fasken Martineau
Mary Richter Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | real estate |
Matthew Scott
Works at Martland and Saulnier
McBride James T
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Davidson Fraese Family Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | spousal support | child support | arbitration | division of property |
May A Allingham
Works at Whitelaw Twining
Mason Loh Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
David W. Hay Barrister and Solicitor Q.C.
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
McDonald and Duncan LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | barristers |
David M Rosenberg
Works at Rosenberg Law
McComb Witten
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
David M Maglio
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
McComb Garry
Works at McComb Witten
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
McClusky and Dalling
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephens and Holman
Works at Vancouver
Spencer Keith E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Spencer Jennifer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephen Z Schwartz
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Steiner Daniel E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Solimano Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jim Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Speakman James A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephen R. Schachter
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Smiley Lorne I
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jeffrey Knowles
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jie Wang Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Steele Gregory K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Stephen Hamilton
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Jensen D and Associates Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | exhibit designer |
Sourisseau and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Smetheram and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Smith Matthew J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bird Sarah J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
JB Rotstein
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephen G Wright Lawyer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Sorochan Kevin
Works at Miller Thomson LLP
Smith Kenneth J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bernard and Partners LP
Works at Swanson H Peter
Jennifer Millerd
Works at Bull Housser and Tupper LLP
Bellamy David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law |
Jay Sujir
Works at Anfield Sujir Kennedy and Durno LLP
Bianchin Raymond J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | notary | barrister | solicitor | gathering medical and wage loss information | legal advice of claim process | investigation of motor vehicle accident |
Stephen D Holmes
Works at Holmes and Co
Stavrakov Anna
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Smith John
Works at Residence
Bergh Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jennifer Lauren Hayes
Works at McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Bell Leonard
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
JFK Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jeff S Glasner
Works at Boughton Law Corporation
Beck Robinson and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Stanger Eric
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bayshore Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Smith Gregory C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jennifer L Neville
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Beverly Ellingson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bell Diane M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Berezowskyj Stephen J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephanie A Melnychuk
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sorochan Donald J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jay Sujir
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Baylis Robert J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stafford Renee F
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Jessica A Taylor
Works at Shapiro Hankinson and Knutson Law Corp
Best Catherine P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jeff Durno
Works at Anfield Sujir Kennedy and Durno LLP
Bell D J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Steinman Preovolos and Co
Works at Barristers and Solicitors
Bentley Shelley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sorèl Leinburd Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial lawyer | business acquisitions lawyer | technology lawyer | partnership lawyer | incorporation lawyer | venture capital lawyer | startup lawyer |
Jaswal Rina
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Beazer Kelsey K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Smith Brock H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stacey S Silber
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Jerry W Petersen
Works at Ib S Petersen
Bertoldi and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jennifer Bye
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jeff Campbell
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Berrow Richard J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jason T Sutherland
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Stacey Mark C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Beasley Thomas F
Works at Bernard LLP
Song Jun Ho
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jerry S Adler
Works at Coric Adler Wenner Barristers and Solicitors
Jef Poulsen
Works at Poulsen and Company
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Bell Charlotte
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jennie Milligan
Works at Beck Robinson and Co
Smith Barristers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Stephens and Holman
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Benson Russell G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Staats Sandy
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jarvis McGee Rice
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Berringer James
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Beadle Woods
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | law firm |
Hayward Sheppard
Works at Barristers and Solicitors
Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jean-Marc Hebert Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bennett Lee
Works at Boughton Law Corporation
Bell Alliance Legal Advisors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | real estate |
Jarrett David S
Works at Bernard LLP
Bernard LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Jeremy Carr and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Smith and Hughes
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jean-Marc Hebert
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Behan Gordon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bennett Jones Services LP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Beckmann Nigel R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Benham-Parker Romany
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jeletzky Law Office
Works at Jeletzky Alexander
Beach Avenue Barristers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
BD Gilfillan Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
BC Shoplifting Lawyers Com
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joe C. Chan Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Jody E. Aldcorn
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
BC Driving Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
SHK Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Joanna Kostanski Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shapray Cramer LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Scott R Wright
Works at Sutherland Jette Barristers
Shirreff Craig W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jiwa Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shane Molyneaux Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shirley-Paterson Karen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shackell Jane S QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Scott M Armstrong
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Scott Howie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shirley Chu
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shields Harney
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Settlement Road Personal Injury Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Scott G Cordell Law Corportaion
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Sennott Martin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shewfelt John R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Scott A Turner
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Sherrott Geoffrey M
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Sekunova Anna D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Scorda Danielle
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Segev LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Scollard R
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Scott Trevor R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sherriff Aaron L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Schuman James A W
Works at Schuman Daltrop Basran and Robin
James Derek
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sheppard Pam E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Irwin White and Jennings
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | companies |
James D. Vilvang Barrister and Solicitor Q.C.
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Shelton Sylvia S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Irwin G Nathanson QC
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
James D Spears
Works at Remedios and Co
Shelley Sugarman
Works at Lagemaat Tony lawyr
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Iris Legal Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sheinin Sandy N
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jamal Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Irina Kordic
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
Sheina Sabinder
Works at Murray Jamieson Barristers and Solicitors
Jaegge B C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Georgetti David K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gilchrist Susan C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ip Samantha
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shubha Krishnan
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Sharon E. White Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Jacob Bridget
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | compensation |
George Gordon
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Gil J Korn Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jack Aaron QC
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Glowacki Peter
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
InvestImmi Canadian Immigration and Visa Services
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | immigration lawyer | legal advice | law consultation | appeal | legal aid |
Sharma Pratibha
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gibson Stephen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
George A Jones
Works at Burke and Jones
Jane C Little
Works at McNeney McNeney Spieker LLP
J William Perrett Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Glenn Leung
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Intracorp Llp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sharma Monica
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gibson Byran A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
J Scott Stanley
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
Jan L Lindsay
Works at Office
Glenn F Hara
Works at Hara and Company
Integrum Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Georg D. Reuter Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Giaschi and Margolis
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
J L Dwyer Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jamieson Karen
Works at Murray Jamieson Barristers and Solicitors
Glen Sherman Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | divorce law | settlements | representation in court | spousal law | advice on rights |
Geiger Carolien B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gianacopoulos Michael
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
J Comparelli
Works at Comparelli and Co
Jamie R Wood
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | barrister |
Glass Nicholas
Works at Lyons Hamilton
Gehlen Dabbs
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
J A Bank
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Ghikas Matthew T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jamie R Matthews
Works at Farris
Glasner Kenneth J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Getz Prince Wells LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
James W Zaitsoff
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Iven K S Tse Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Glasner Kenneth J QC
Works at Residence
Gertsoyg and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Israels Jonathan J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
James Vander Woude
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Glanville Jane S
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Gershony Yarden
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Isaac Thomas F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
James T Rust
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Gillian Piggott
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gershkovitch Eli A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
James P Shumka
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gillian Piggott
Works at McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Gersbach S R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
James E McNeney
Works at McNeney McNeney Spieker LLP
Gillespie Michelle D
Works at Guild Yule Barristers and Solicitors
Germann Renata K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gill Tax Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gerald K C Martin
Works at Lim and Company Lawyers
Gill Stephen D
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Gerald A Cuttler
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Ethos Law Group LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Esson John
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Erwin H Epp
Works at Kerrisdale Office
Lim and Company
Works at Barristers and Solicitors
Areas of Expertise | family law | commercial law | real estate law | litigation | immigration law | wills and estates law |
Eric Ito
Works at Miller Thomson
Lidstone and Co Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Eric A. Dolden
Works at Dolden Wallace and Folick
Liang R Lauren
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Equity Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | lawyers | real estate transfers and conveyancing | wills, probate and estate planning | business law and new business incorporation | litigation, icbc claims | immigartion |
Li Yun
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hudec Albert J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Epstein Mark R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Skorah Mark M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Li Samuel
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Huang Agnes
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Skorah M M
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lex Pacifica Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
HPG Litigation Barristers and Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Enticknap Sandra L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Skelly William
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lewis Spencer
Works at Derpak White Spencer LLP
Hoy Vance
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
English Bay Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sisett Ian R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lewis Josh
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Howell Ann E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sirett Robin M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Endeavor Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lewis Brent J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Howden-Duke A H
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Siren Matthew G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Encore Claims
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | slip and fall | wrongful death | product liability | medical malpractice | automobile accidents | fire/property claim experts | small aircraft accidents |
Lewchuk Danielle
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Howard Matthew
Works at Harris and Brun
Areas of Expertise | business law |
Singleton Urquhart LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Singleton John R QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lew Henry H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Howard M Douglas
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John S Davis
Works at Grossman and Stanley
Emmet J Duncan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Singer Aaron B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John Rosemary
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Houston Charlotte
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Embarkation Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sincerity Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John Mickelson Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hoshang Shroff
Works at Shroff and Associates
Embarkation Law Group
Works at Laura Best and Fadi Yachoua
Areas of Expertise | us immigration law | canadian immigration law | american immigration law | permanent residency card | canadian citizenship | us citizenship | spousal sponsorship |
Simrat K. Harry
Works at Harris and Brun
John Layton Rogers Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Horn Blair J H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ellwyn and Co Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simpson Wade
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
John J Kim
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hordo Bennett Mounteer LLP Litigation Counsel
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | class action | complex litigation |
Ellis Ross D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simpson Thomas and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John F Grieve
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hordo and Bennett Barristers and Solicitors Litigation Counsel
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ellis Robert J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John Drove
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | business law | tax law |
Ellis Roadburg
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hopkins Douglas H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John Chao
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Ellis Dana D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ingborg Georald S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hopewell Nicholas
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simpson Samantha P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ing Victor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hooge Nicholas T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ellis Business Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simpson S Paul
Works at Armstrong Simpson
John C Fiddick
Works at Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation
Hood Sherman W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ilnyckyj Oleh W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John B Arnesen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simon W Patey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hood Sherman
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Elliott Gordon M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Identification Products
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Falk Christopher T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Johannsen Helmut K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simon R Coval
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Elliot Christine
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ib S Petersen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simkin Artist Management
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Fai David N
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Johannesen Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ian W Cassie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ellingson Beverly G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fahey Matthew
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
885 Professional Management Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Simi Dosanjh
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Johal Sanjeeta K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ian M Knapp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Diane MacKinnon Family Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | child custody | cohabitation | collaborative law | prenuptial agreements | divorce litigation | common law agreements |
Jones Philip J
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Fahey Gerald
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Johal Raman
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Silvester J E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Jones Ian C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fagan Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joel K Hagyard
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP - Office
Ian Aikenhead QC
Works at Aikenhead Moscovich and Jone
Jones Heather L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joel Altman
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
F Ean Maxwell
Works at Maxwell Hopman Mennie
Silvana M. Facchin Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Iain Mant
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jones David K
Works at Bernard LLP
Ezekiel Ron
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lin James D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
I Mui
Works at Maynard Kischer Stojicevic Citizenship and Immigration Lawyers
Silva Michael D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jones Clayton
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Eyford Macaulay Shaw and Padmanabhan LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lim William H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hyde John J
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Sikander Visram
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jonathan Wong Notary Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Evans Garth M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lim Jonathan
Works at Fasken Martineau
Sihota Don C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hungerford Robert F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jonathan S Carter
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hume Forrest C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lim Jae-Yeong
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sigurdson Thora A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jonathan Duckles
Works at McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Hultman and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Sierecki Fred R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jonathan Desbarats
Works at Sutherland Jetté
Hughes Nicholas R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Smeets Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sidhu Satinder K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jonathan Corbett
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hugh M Matthews
Works at Farris
Smeets Larry
Works at Kowarsky and Co
Sidhu Barinder
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jonathan Carter
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Slater Vecchio
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Johnston R Brock
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Shugarman Daniel A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Johnson Gordon R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Saltwater Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Schuman Daltrop Basran and Robin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Salley Bowes Harwardt LC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate and commercial law | securities law | mining law | mergers & acquisitions |
Johnson Doyle
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Schuld Christopher A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sadovnick Morgan LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Johnson Douglas R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Schrack Antya
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sadler Kimberly I
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Johnson Derek
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Schober Frank S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
John-Paul Boyd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Schneiderman Stephen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
John Stowe Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Schildt Ian
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sayn-Wittgenstein A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Saville Steve
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Saturna Beach Estates Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sas Catherine A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sarophim Jamie M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sarna Noah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sarah Gallvitz
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Santerre Kimberley J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Santalucia Melissa
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sanjeev K Patro
Works at Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation
Sanja Kraljevic
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sangra Moller LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sanger Stephanie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sandra Katalinic
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sandra I Banister
Works at Banister and Co
Sandilands Andrew G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sanders Douglas R
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais
Sanders Criminal Law
Works at Michael D Sanders Barrister and Solicitor
Areas of Expertise | criminal lawyer | sexual assault | assault | traffic offence | criminal defense lawyer | sexual interference lawyer | sexual exploitation |
Sandberg Charles
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Samuels Kelly A
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Samuels and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Harris and Company LLP
Works at Bentall Tower 5
Harris and Brun
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | compensation | litigation |
Guy and Co
Works at David M Guy
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Harper Robin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Guthrie Margot E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Samuel J Goheen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harper Grey LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Samuel Fleming Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Guinn Wayne F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harold B Epp
Works at Kerrisdale Office
Samuel D Hyman
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Hardwick Parvinder K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Guinevere Loi
Works at Hart Legal
Sam De Groot
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Harbour Family Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Guild Yule Barristers and Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Gruber David E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harbottle Sarah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Grubb S E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harbottle and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal advice | lawyers | law | legal |
Hara and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Hansen Sarah D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hand Jeffrey A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Han Lawson Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | personal injury | business | wills & estates | strata |
Hamilton S L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hamilton Howell Bain and Gould
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hamilton Fabbro Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hamilton Alan J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hall N J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hahn and Company Brstrs and Solctrs
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Hagel Meredith
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Haberl Patrick J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
HandK Immigration Consulting Services Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
H. Scott MacDonald Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
H. Roderick Anderson Law Corporation
Works at Harper Grey LLP
Pinsky Bernard I
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kim John
Works at Fasken Martineau
Margolis David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gyton D M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pinnacle Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Killam Zachary L
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Margaret A Johnson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pinho Martin Ferreira
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Guy Holeksa Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Kieran A G Bridge
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mao and Co
Works at John S. C. Mao
Kibben Jackson
Works at Fasken Martineau
Manson Duncan J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pines Carl J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pigeon Vincent
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Manolis F Mikis
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pietrow Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Khanna and Co Law Firm
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pierce Matthew W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kevin Gourlay
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
Phillips Earl G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Roman Michael J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pham and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Rollins Craig V
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Petrenko Alexander
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
ROLE Legal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Petersen Brown
Works at Ib S Petersen
Rogers John L
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Peters Timothy A M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dhanu Law Office
Works at Fax
Robyn A Miles
Works at Lando and Company LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Peters Matthew D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dhaliwal Jeevyn
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robson Michael F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peter W Stanley
Works at Grossman and Stanley
Carter Barry Barrister
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Devine A Paul
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Peter R. Senkpiel
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Carpick James L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robinson Amanda
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Donovan and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Manning Heather
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peter R Grant
Works at Peter Grant and Associates
Caroline and Gislason Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robin McQuillan Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Donnelly Darren T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peter G Oreck
Works at Oreck Karby Barristers and Solicitors
Mangan Mike
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Carmine Boskovich
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Donaldsons Plc
Works at Donaldson's
Robin Fiona K
Works at Schuman Daltrop Basran and Robin
Peter G Oreck
Works at Oreck Karby
Mandell Pinder
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Carmen Tham
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Robertson Russell
Works at Bernard LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peter F Parsons
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Maltas Alex T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Carmen H Place
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Donald L. Richards
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robertson Neil LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Makie Margaret
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peter D Granger
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Carlson Lisa
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Donald Jang Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Roberts Darrell W QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peter C Collins
Works at Harris and Brun
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Carlos S. Mendes Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Robert W Taylor
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Donald B Phelps Law Corp
Works at Donald B Phelps
Areas of Expertise | family law | divorce lawyer | lawyer | child support law | custody battle | parenting plan | spousal support lawyer |
Mah Sherwin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Peter A. Spencer Barrister and Solicitor Q.C.
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Carla R Lewis Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Don White Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert W Richardon Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peskett Candice
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Carl May
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert V Wickett
Works at MacKenzie Fujisawa LLP
Don Weaver
Works at Fasken Martineau
Carey D Veinotte
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Perry David G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert P Sloman
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Dominic Therrien
Works at Miller Thomson
Perry Allan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Carbol Law and Associates
Works at Devon B Carbol
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Dolden Wallace and Folick
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert M Lonergan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Percival Michael J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dlin Adam M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert J McDonell
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Penny Lehan Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Cane Jacqueline LL B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Robert J Dawkins
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Penner Barry QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Canadaways Bizerte
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert H Wynick
Works at MacKenzie Fujisawa LLP
Penderfund Capital Management
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Campbell James R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dlab Dagmar
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert D J Brown
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Pender Litigation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | criminal defense law |
Campbell Chani J
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert D Holmes
Works at Holmes and King
Peirce MH
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Camp Fiorante Matthews
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sadhra and Chow LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert C. Brun, QC
Works at Harris and Brun
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | compensation | divorce | car accident lawyer | brain injury lawyer | slip and fall lawyer | family mediation lawyer | icbc claim |
Cameron Nicole M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Peerson Marcel J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
S H Silbernagel
Works at Silbernagel and Co
Robert B McNeney
Works at McNeney McNeney Spieker LLP
Dixon Bradley W
Works at Bordern Ladner Gervais LLP
Cameron IP Law
Works at Norman Milburn Cameron
Areas of Expertise | patient lawyers | trademark lawyers |
Ryley Mennie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pedersen Cheri
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Robert A. Millar
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dives John
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ryan S Osing
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Cameron G White
Works at Derpak White Spencer LLP
Peck and Company
Works at Jeff Campbell
Areas of Expertise | solicitors |
Dives Harper and Stanger
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Roadburg Eliot M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ryan Edith D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cameron G Belsher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kostecky and Pharher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Ritson Richard W H
Works at Kowarsky and Co
Ryan E McCardell Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Dirk C A De Vuyst and Associates Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cameron Ewen J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Koskie Glavin Gordon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ritchie Sandford Barristers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ryan A. Shaw Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Dimitri Kontou Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kornfeld Ron Y
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rita Sidhu Trial Lawyer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rutsu Shikano Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Diep T H Nguyen Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Cameron and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | public notaries | affidavits | statutory declarations | travel consents | residency applications |
Kornfeld LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial real estate law | entrepreneurial services | labour & employment | financial transactions | commercial real estate development | corporate governance | financial solutions |
Risi Concetta C
Works at Bernard LLP
Ruth E McIntyre Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dickson Tim A
Works at 25th floor
Kornfeld Esther Lea
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Cambie Development Llp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rio Fortuna Exploration Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Russell Benson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dickson Karen A R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Callison and Hanna
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Riley William D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kornfeld and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ruskin William A
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Caldwell Chelsea C
Works at Eichler Caldwell
Rickards David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Korinkiewicz Barbara A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Eichler Caldwell
Works at Barristers and Solicitors
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Richter Trial Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | car accidents | child support | accident lawyer | general litigation | construction litigation | division of property | asset division |
Rukavina Stephen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Korbin Michael H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Caldwell Brad M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rukaria Jane
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | real estate |
Martz Lisa
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cadman George E H QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
RTG Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Kontsedalova Anna A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martland and Saulnier
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Martin W Stanley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kolb Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin Twigg
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Koffman Ted I
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rothstein Bo L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin Stephen E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Roth Peter M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin Peters Barristers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rostad Terryl
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Koffman Kalef LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin David J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin David A
Works at Fasken Martineau
Kober Anne L B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rossos Veronica
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Knutson William E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Ross E McLarty
Works at McLarty Wolf
Knutson V A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Martin C Spieker
Works at McNeney McNeney Spieker LLP
Ross Alan Munro
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Knott Lyall D QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Marshall Gordon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Marla D Mennie
Works at Maxwell Hopman Mennie
KMK Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rosner J Herbert
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Markovitz Law Offices
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Rosewood Services Ltd Partnership
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mark W J Ferbers
Works at Lando and Company LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Sutherland James
Works at Sutherland Jette Barristers
Klondike Silver Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rosenberg Kosakoski LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial litigation | rosenberg law |
Mark V Lewis
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Klimo Monica M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Support Services Unlimited
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rose Shawlee Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Mark R Jette
Works at Sutherland Jette Barristers
Leung Lori H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rose Jeffrey A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Sun Wei Kiat
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Klein Lawyers LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | car accident lawyer | lawyers | free consultation | class action law | fee guarantee | home & hospital appointments | icbc settlements |
Sullivan W J
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Roper Greyell LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Kleefstra Zelius
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Roper George J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kirsten Brewer
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Root Amy K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kirkham D Barry QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mark R. Davies Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Suleman and Co Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ronning Curtis
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Sulek Lisa
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kington David W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rondeau Thomas LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mark G Perry Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Sugden McFee and Roos LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers | law consultant |
Kinghorn Jordan J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ronald G Paton
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mark D. Andrews
Works at Fasken Martineau
Suderman Edward A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
King Robert James
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Ronald G Murray
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mark Cacchioni Barristor and Solicitor A Personal Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Kincaid Robert J Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Stuart Lein Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | criminal law |
Ron J Wilinofsky Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Streamline Counsel Inc Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | counsel |
Mark C. Baron Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Strata Corp EPS 3172
Works at MC2
Maritza Verdun-Jones
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stowe Theresa L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stonier, Susan Barrister and Solicito
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kristian Vicei
Works at McNeney McNeney Spieker LLP
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dick W Eng Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Krista Simon
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Krahn Reinhold
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kowarsky Ori
Works at Kowarsky and Co
Diane Somers
Works at Rosenberg and Rosenberg
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Colwell Michael L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Collins Peterson LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kowarsky Jacob B
Works at Kowarsky and Co
Diane Gradley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | property division | barrister | solicitor | lawyers | collaborative law | child & spousal support | custody & access |
Kowarsky and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Collins Nicola
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Diana Pogorski Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Collins Cullen Thom Personal Injury Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stewart Terence G
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Walters Joshua
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kowalewski Lucya
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Collingwood Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Catherine J Wong
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stewart Scott B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate attorneys. |
Walsh Stephanie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kowalchuk Terrance A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Catharine M Esson
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Collingwood Bruce
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stewart Robin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kosteckyj and Parhar
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Colin S. Ritchie
Works at Lawyer and Financial Planner
Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Walsh Jon R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Coles Daniel H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Walsh Amy
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stewart Feenie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Coleman Brian
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stewart Darren
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wallrap Albert S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cofman Morley E Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Minhas Harprett S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wallin J David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stewart Aulinger and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers | barrister & sollicitor |
Kevin D. Loo
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Coady James M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mines and Company Criminal Defence Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | assault lawyer | drug offence lawyer | theft lawyer | driving charge lawyer | fraud lawyer | domestic assault lawyer | shoplifting lawyer |
Stewart and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wallace R Brian QC
Works at Bull, Housser and Tupper LLP
Kevin C Blair
Works at Taylor and Blair
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | pedestrian accidents | accident claims | brain or head injuries | bus & taxi accidents | slip & fall / whiplash | car & motorcycle accidents |
Milne Tricia
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Coad Rebecca
Works at Fasken Martineau
Stewart and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kevin Blakely Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Milman Warren B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Clokie Bruce D A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stevenson Robert W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wallace Craig A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Kestrel Workplace Legal Counsel LLP
Works at Donald W. Bobert
Miller Titerle LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cleta Brown
Works at Lagemaat Tony lawyr
Stevenson Luchies and Legh
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Walkinshaw Keith
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Kerry Moller and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miller Thomson LLP
Works at Forsyth Scott
Claxton Hugh C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stevens Virgin Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Walker Michael
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kerry L Burgi
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Elizabeth Yip
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | companies |
Clasby S Jane
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Steven Tiainen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Walker and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kerr Redekop Leinburd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Elgin Cannon and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Steven R Slazyk Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Clarke Thomas
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Keri Bennett
Works at Fasken Martineau
Walford Helene
Works at Murray Jamieson Barristers and Solicitors
Elaine E. Reynolds
Works at Legacy Tax + Trust Lawyers
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Clarke James P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Steven G Lukas
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Walden and Co
Works at Zahorodna Teresa
Areas of Expertise | firm |
Kerfoot Burroughs and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Clark Wilson LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Steven D. Wallace
Works at Dolden Wallace and Folick
Steven Catania
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Clark Brent
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wagner Mike J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kenward Peter H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Claire Sung
Works at McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Edwin Soon Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephens Victor A
Works at Vancouver
Waddington Jonathan J A Personal Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Edwards, Kenny and Bray
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephens Scott H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kent Employment Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers | shareholder disputes | employment law issues | wrongul dismissal claims | humans rights complaints | employment standards act issues |
Claassen David A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Citton Luca A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Voyer Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Stephens and Holman Ltd
Works at Airport Square
Areas of Expertise | icbc and injury claims | home | phone answered 24 hours |
Edward M Lewin Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Cicchetti Tina
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vorbrodt Steve
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kenny Brenton D QC
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Edward Cooper
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Church and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Vondette Timothy J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Kenney Phyllis Barristor and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Chun Hailee
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Von Vegesack Shanlee
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kenneth L H Embree
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Christopher Sharpe
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Edmund Y Xie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vogt Elizabeth M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kenneth Cristall
Works at Kenneth Cristall Law Corporation and Associates
Areas of Expertise | personal injury law | motorcycle accidents | whiplash injuries | slip & fall | truck & bus accidents | paraplegia / quadriplegia injuries | bicycle / pedestrian accidents |
Edmonds Henry D M
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Christopher S Johnson
Works at Lagemaat Tony lawyr
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Vivian Chung Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kenneth B Friesen
Works at Kerrisdale Office
Edmond C Luke
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Christopher K Haines
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kennedy Robert B QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Christopher J. Foy
Works at Kestrel Workplace Legal Counsel LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Edgar A. Frechette
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kennedy Bear Robe
Works at Miller Thomson LLP
Christopher J Chan
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Edelmann Legal Services
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kemp Jane C
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Christopher Eva M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Earl Zimmer
Works at Goldman Zimmer Bray
Kelvin R Stephens
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Eacrett Douglas
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Christopher D Martin
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Virginia Wigmore
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Duvall Bill
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Christine L Stewart
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vincent Pigeon - Lawyer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Keith Rose A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Duong Quang T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Christie Dugald E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Mah Derek
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dunnaway Jackson Ouellet and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | child support | property appraisals | preservation of property | divorce, including adultery, and physical or menta | tax implications of property division | pension & rrsp division | security for support |
Kehler Gordon J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vince Critchley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Landmark Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Madden Ann
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
KBL Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Victory Square Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | civil litigation | employment law | administrative law | labour law | lawyers |
Dunn Gary W Computer and Technology Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lance S G Finch
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Madaisky and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
KazLaw Personal Injury Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | personal injury lawyer |
Victoria A Steeves
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
DuMoulin Boskovich LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
MacRae Robert J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Leung B Glenn
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lamb J K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kay M Vinall
Works at Richard M Brooks
MacNeil Jessie M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Vicq Jeffrey Fraser
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dueck Ron D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Letcher Gary A
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Lam Yoke
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Kay Jeffrey J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vickers Brianna Y
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lesperance Mendes
Works at Naomi R Rozenberg
MacMillan Sharon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lam Sienne
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dudas Victor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Katrina Yaworsky
Works at Shapiro Hankinson and Knutson Law Corporation
Vicente V Jr Asuncion
Works at Beck Robinson and Co
Lesperance Mendes
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Macleod and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | defamation |
Katie G Mak
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Dubas and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial litigation | family lawyer | divorce lawyer | asset division | debt recovery | common law & same sex marriage | child support lawyer |
Vertlieb Dosanjh Barristers and Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lalji Amyn F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kathryn J Blair
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
MacLennan Alison E QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lesperance Mendes
Works at Robert J. Lesperance
Doyle J A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Katherine Lung
Works at Baillie Law Corp
Lesperance Mendes
Works at Paul G Mendes
MacLean N R
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lal Seema
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Doust Leonard T QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Katharina R Spotzl
Works at Owen Bird Law Corporation
Lesperance Mendes
Works at John G Mendes
Douglas J Seppala
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Lakhani and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacLean Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | child custody | bc marriage law agreements | bc divorce | child or spousal support | family property valuation and division |
Lesperance Mendes
Works at Sat D Harwood
MacLean Forstrom Jackson Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kasting Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Douglas Chiu
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Lahay W Douglas
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacKinnon Rodrick R
Works at Munro and Crawford
Kask A D C
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Leslie J MacKoff Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dougan Philip
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lagemaat Tony lawyr
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lesiuk Steven W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Karp David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mackinnon M M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dorsey and Whitney LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lepin Bonnie T Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Leonard M Cohen Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
LaChance Lorne
Works at John Mickelson Law Corp
Mackie Margaret
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Leonard Kompa Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | general litigation | lawyer | barrister |
LaBarge Weinstein LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Doolan John A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mortimer M Edward QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mackie I D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Here are more Vancouver BC Lawyers
La Van and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Donovan G Plomp
Works at McCarthy Tetrault
Morse Rebecca M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Leith J D
Works at Guild Yule LLP
MacKenzie Scott M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
La Liberte Terrence E QC
Works at La Liberte and Co
Dhir Vikram
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Leilani Karr
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacKenzie Fujisawa LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
La Liberté Cronin and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Morrie Altman
Works at Invis Inc
Areas of Expertise | family law |
MacKay-Dunn R Hector QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kwan Timothy
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Morin James D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacKay Russell C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Morgan A. J. Fowler Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Kuypers Roger
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacInnis Allison M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Morasiewicz Ryan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Macfarlane Robin C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kurland Tobe
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Moran C and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Morag MacLeod Family Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kuhn LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
MacEwing J Marc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Kuchta Allison R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Moore Wayne
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacDonald Kevin J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Krohman Kenneth V
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacDonald Fahey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Moore Shona A
Works at Moore Edgar Lyster
Kristopher B Britch
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Legacy Advisors Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | estate | tax lawyer | charities and charitable giving | tax and trust lawyer |
Moodys Gartner Tax Law LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Macaulay Edward F Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kristine P All
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Lee Joyce
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Montgomery Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MacAlinao Perez Llp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | delicatessens |
Monique Orieux
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lee Ivar
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Monica Jimenez
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
M J O'Nions Lawyer and Mediator
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | divorce | estate | family mediation | family lawyer | divorce lawyer | probate | estate lawyer |
M Feder
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lee Glenn K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mogan Peter J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lyster J Geoffrey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mobina S B Jaffer QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | compensation | divorce | car accident lawyer | brain injury lawyer | slip and fall lawyer | family mediation lawyer | icbc claim |
Lyons Hamilton
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Ledding R C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
MLT Aikins LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | tax | litigation | intellectual property | mergers and acquisition | privacy law | private equity | health care law |
Lyndsay Schooley
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Lecovin Gerald J Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lyle G Harris
Works at Harris and Brun
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
MJB Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lyall Elizabeth B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miura Derek K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lunday Vanessa
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
LeBlanc Marc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Leas Daryn R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ward Robert G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miu KC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mitchell Michael E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Le Dressay Jocelyn M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mitchell H. Gropper
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Patrick Lyndon L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Le Dressay and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mitchell David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Patrick James Sullivan
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Mitchell Ashley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Patrick J Beirne
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mirzaian Scarlet
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Le Blanc Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Patrick Hayes
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Minsky Ethan P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Laxton Gibbens and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Patrick Fullerton
Works at Martland and Saulnier
Lawyers Insurance Fund
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Patrick Dickie Barrister and Solicitors Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyers Assistance Program The
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | addiction information & treatment |
Patrick Deutscher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer Rights Watch Canada
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Patey Hovan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer Referral Service
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Parsons Hunter
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wilkinson Andrew
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer Near Me
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wilhelmson Michael
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Park Sharon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Lawton Stephanie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Wigmore Kim A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Parhar Sonny S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawson Lundell LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | estate | family mediation | wrongful dismissal | family lawyer | litigation | human rights | tax lawyer |
Wiebe Wittman El
Works at Khatib LLP
Parfitt Clea F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lawrence Goulet Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Widman and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wickstrom Darrell J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
PanCanadian Immigration Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Lawrence D Myers Personal Law Corp
Works at Myers, McMurdo, Karp and Patey
Areas of Expertise | drug offences | domestic assault | assault | motor vehicle offences | sexual offences | violent crime | youth offenders |
Whyte Cameron R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Palmer IP Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law |
Whysall Joel
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Law and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paine Edmonds LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Whittle Megan E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal advice | litigation lawyer |
Lauwers J S L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
White Robert F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lauren Kristjanson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
White John M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Laura Nichols
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
White James R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Laughton Bruce A
Works at Laughton and Co
Laughton and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Wharton W Gary
Works at Bernard LLP
Latimer Alison M
Works at 25th floor
Lata C Casciano
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wexler Norman
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Larlee Rosenberg Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law |
Weston John D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lang Georgialee and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Western Silver Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lando and Company LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate law | business law | legal services | commercial real estate | lawyers | investment real estate | wills - estates - trusts |
Westeringh William
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wertschek Rosemarie QC
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Weremchuk Marina V
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | attorneys |
Wells R Stuart
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wellburn Katherine
Works at Murray Jamieson Barristers and Solicitors
Weintraub Mark S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Weiler Michael J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Weiland Richard T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Webster Hudson and Coombe LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Webster and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Weber Michael
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Weafer Christopher P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Wayne Hum and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Watts Roger S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Watson Goepel LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | insurance law | barristers and solicitors | personal services | business services | litigation counsel |
Watson Goepel
Works at Anastase E. Maragos - Car Accident Lawyer
Watson Christopher J
Works at MacKenzie Fujisawa LLP
Warnett Hallen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | personal injury law |
Pazder Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pazder Kenneth A
Works at Pazder Law Corp
Pawson Owen D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pawluk L A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paulina Kam
Works at Lando and Company LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Paula H Kalsi
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paul S Rosenberg
Works at Rosenberg Law
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Paul S. Richardson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paul M Daykin QC
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Paul J Reimer
Works at Kerrisdale Office
Paul J Brown
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paul C Wilson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paul A Visosky
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Paul A McDonnell Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paul A Hildebrand Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Paul A Brackstone
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Patton Madeleine M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Patterson Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Forth C L
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Forsythe Justine
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Forsyth Scott
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Forrester Glen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Forrester and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Forrester and Co
Works at Mimi Wang
Foresight Projects Ltd
Works at Gregory F Bridges
Folk Felicia S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
FMD Services Ltd Partnership
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Floyd Gradely
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Luke Dineley
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP - Waterfront Centre
Flett Jacqueline
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fister Richard
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fishman Nevin L
Works at Bernard LLP
Lucy H Schilling
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Fishman Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lowther Family Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | separation agreements | spousal support | property division | divorce law | fmep issues | business asset division |
First Peoples Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lowther Blair
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fipke Johanna
Works at Fasken Martineau
Low K M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Finley Peter H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Low Helen H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Findlay Barbara QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Love Gordon A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Filkow Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Louman-Gardiner Timothy
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fiddes John C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Losie Claudia L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ferrari P J F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lorne P.S. Folick
Works at Dolden Wallace and Folick
Lorne Blackman and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ferber Philip Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lorene A Novakowski
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ferber John P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Loptson Terrence R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fenton Robert Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | car accidents | legal services | spinal cord injury | brain injury | motorcycle accidents | pedestrian accidents | attorneys |
Fenn and Associates Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Long Ralph H and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Feldberg Peter
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Feenie Corinne
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
London Mah and Associates Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | cran inspection | structural engineer |
Fayyaz Karmali
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lolita Rudovica
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fayers and Co
Works at Bruce Fayers
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Logan John S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fast Brian
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Logan Jeffrey K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | advocacy and litigation | arbitration and dispute resolution | bankruptcy, insolvency, and restructuring | competition | corporate law firm | environmental litigation | utilities law |
Paige Morrow
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Loeb Jennifer R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Farber and Folk
Works at Alan Farber
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Pahl V J
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Faminoff William T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pacific Ridge Exploration
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lloyd Stephen M
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Northwest Law Group Management
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Liza Volpiana
Works at Bull, Housser and Tupper LLP
Pacific Medical Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | medical malpractice law |
Nordman Mark D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Pacific Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Little Eric
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nolan Hurlburt
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Little David
Works at Fasken Martineau
P J Kletas and Associates Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nisson M. Goldman
Works at Goldman Zimmer Bray
Liteplo Jonathan
Works at Fasken Martineau
Nipp Bonnie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lisa Picotte-Li
Works at Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation
Nikita Ponomarev
Works at Miller Thomson LLP
Owen Bird Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial litigation | alimony | child custody | divorce | corporate lawyer | accident lawyer | bankruptcy lawyer |
Lipetz and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Nieuwenburg Roy A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Overholt Law Barristers and Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers | all aspects of workplace law | drafting employment contracts | drafting employment policies | privacy obligations | collective bargaining | workplace investigations |
Niemela Glenn J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lindsey Taylor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ott Gary W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lindsay LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Osmond Brenda
Works at Pacific Medical Law
Nicole Byres QC
Works at Miller Thomson LLP
Lindsay Kenney LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate lawyer | injury lawyer | family lawyer | accident lawyer |
Osborne Milden
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lindsay D Williams
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nichols Timothy J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Osborne David BSc (HONS) LL B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | personal injury lawyers | lawyers | brain injury lawyers | personal injury trial lawyers |
Linde Carey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | divorce | lawyers |
Nicholls Megan B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Osborne Cane Trial Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | personal injury lawyers | lawyers | brain injury lawyers | personal injury trial lawyers |
Linda G Brown
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nicholas Paczkowski A Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Orris Glen QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Trott Nancy A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lina Giustra
Works at Harris and Brun
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Nicholas M. Safarik Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Ornstein Neil M
Works at Varty and Company
Troke Morgan A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nicholas Isaac
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Nicholas Barber
Works at Lagemaat Tony lawyr
Tracey M Cohen
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Oreck Karby
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Nicco Bautista
Works at Fasken Martineau
Tracey L. Jackson
Works at Dunnaway Jackson Ouellet and Associates
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Oreck Karby
Works at Howard Karby
Nguyen M H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Toyoda R David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Oreck Hal
Works at Oreck Karby
Ng Ariss Fong
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tomyn Harry F
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Oppenheim Joe
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nexus Law Group LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tommy M. Chan Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Open Door (Granville) Law Corp Fax
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Newby Bradley A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tomchak Teresa M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nest Conrad Y
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tom Baillie
Works at Baillie Law Corp
Onyx Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law | divorce law | estates law | trusts law |
Neen William G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Toigo Danielle
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Neely Ryan S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Toews and Co
Works at Richard N Toews
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
O'Neill Kevin P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Todd R Trevor Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Oliver L Wilson
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Todd L Kerr
Works at Kerr Redekop Leinburd and Boswell
NECO Management Services
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nawata Denise C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Oliver Kenneth B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nav Baidwan
Works at Farris
O'Leary Dean A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Olearnek Kirk
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nathanson Matthew
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | murder | lawyers | manslaughter | criminal defense | kidnapping | criminal organization offences | conspiracy |
Natalie Garton
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ochitwa Tim
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Nash Johnston LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nash and Co
Works at Three Bentall Centre
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Ocean Side Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Johnson Doyle Sugarman
Works at Lagemaat Tony lawyr
O'Callaghan Kevin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Narwal Litigation LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrew J Kim
Works at Harrop Phillips Powell and Gray
Narvinder S. Gill
Works at Harris and Brun Law Corporation
Nunn Graeme
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Narod Alison H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrew J. Gabrielson
Works at Fasken Martineau
Norton Stewart Business Lawyers
Works at Manulife Place
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Des Friedland and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrew I. Nathanson
Works at Fasken Martineau
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | business law | legal services | lawyers | aboriginal law | mining law | energy law | maritime law |
Todd L Cherniak
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Norton John W
Works at Manulife Place
Andrew Davis
Works at Silbernagel and Co
Titan Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrew D. Borrell
Works at Fasken Martineau
Timothy Vondette
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Andrea Mosher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Timothy P Kushneryk
Works at Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Andrea Jones
Works at Aikenhead Moscovich and Jone
Timothy J Delaney
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Areas of Expertise | corporate lawyer | injury lawyer | family lawyer | accident lawyer |
Andrea F Raso
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Tim Wong
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Henri C Alvarez
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andison Thomas G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tim Louis and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Metrowest Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Henderson Heinrichs
Works at Hayer Kaajal
Helsing John E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Verlee Webb
Works at Farris, Vaughan, Wills and Murphy LLP
Mercer Justine G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tim H.R. Brown Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Anderson Robert S QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Helps Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | barristers |
Tim Dillon and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anderson Peter J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Verisante Technology Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Melvin W Beaton
Works at Hammerberg Lawyers LLP
Helena H Shum
Works at Lim and Company Lawyers
Tiffany P Tsang
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anderson Gordon V
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Verhoeven Frits E
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Mellows Stephen A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Tickle Vicki
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anderson and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Veitch Robert
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Melliship Neil P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Heinmiller George R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Thorsteinssons LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vector Corporate Finance Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Andersen Jack
Works at Penny Paul
Areas of Expertise | family law |
Melissa J Mitchell
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hee Ernest A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Veale Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Thompson Mark S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Amy L Cahpman-Fluker
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Melanie Magnusson
Works at Hart Legal
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Hedden J S Chart Acct
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vayeghan Litigation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Amy Carruthers
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Thompson Kelsey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Megan Ellis and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hedayat and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vaughan Michael P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Thompson Donald A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McVean B G and Associates Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Heck Fleur
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vassilas Bizos Law Corp Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Thompson Bonita J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McTavish Cam
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vanessa Werden
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Heather E. Barnett
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Amighetti Leo QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Thomas Janine A S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McNeney McNeney Spieker LLP
Works at Legal Services for Motorcycle and Car Accident Victims
Vanderburgh Barbara
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hayer Kaajal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Thomas H Hara
Works at Hara and Company
McMurdo Stephen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vancouver Personal Injury Lawyer Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hawkins Thomas S
Works at Bernard LLP
Thomas and Associates
Works at Trial and Appeal Lawyers
Areas of Expertise | child custody | estate | marriage contract | family lawyer | divorce lawyer | adoption | appeal |
McMillan LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | financial services | immigration | international trade disputes | emissions trading | advocacy & litigation | government affairs | employment & labour relations |
Hauser Joshua
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Van Ommen Herman
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Amanda J. Wheat Barrister and Sollicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Theodore C Arsenault
Works at Shortt and Arsenault
Hatton James P QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McLeod Susan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
van der Sande Winfred
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Amanda Demner
Works at Fasken Martineau
Hastings Labour Law Office LPP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
McLeod Colleen
Works at Donaldson's
Van Dalfsen Nicholas
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
The Owners Strata Plan Bcs 2949
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Harwood Sat D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McLeod Bruce E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Vamplew John A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harwood Bruce J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McLellan Hugh
Works at McLellan Herbert
Valli-Hasham Nafeesa
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harvi Grewal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McLellan Herbert
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Valkyrie Law Group LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Harvey Christopher QC
Works at MacKenzie Fujisawa LLP
McLarty Wolf
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law |
Alteman Gordon A
Works at Pazder Law Corp
Robson Court
Works at Miller Thomson LLP
Hartshorne and Mehl
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Ally Bharmal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Uzelac Milan Law Offices Personal Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Allman David S
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
McLaren Kevin J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
US Business Immigration Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | immigration consultants |
Hartley William L
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Hart Legal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | personal injury claims |
McLachlan Brown Anderson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Allen W Graham
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Urquhart Glenn A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hart Elinor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McKinnon Ramsden and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Underhill Boies Parker Law Corp Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ullrich Dierk
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Abrioux Patrice M E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McKenzie Maria K
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harrison R Hoops
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Uhrle Richard
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mckenzie David T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harrison Elizabeth J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
A Stojicevic
Works at Maynard Kischer Stojicevic Citizenship and Immigration Lawyers
Tyler Kenneth
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McKenzie and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Harrison Douglas K
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Turner Marcus
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McKendrick Todd A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harrison Charles G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Turner David E
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
McIvor Colin
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Harris Harley J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tucker Gregory J QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McIntyre Winteringham
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Harris Amanda
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tsuji Brian Edward Tadayoshi
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | 1 work permit | 2. business visitor permit | 3. permanent resident ("pr") | 4. spousal sponsorship pr | 5. provincial nominee program ("pnp") | 6 study permit | 7. visitor visa |
McIntyre Daniel B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nancy Y Chen
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Tsao Victor W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McInnis John D
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Nancy Lord Showroom
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Truong Alan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
McHardy Christopher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nancy Cameron
Works at Kenney Phyllis Barristor and Solicitor
Trueman Chris
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
McGregor Dale M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nairika R Varza
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Trudy H Hopman
Works at Maxwell Hopman Mennie
McGivern Paul T
Works at Pacific Medical Law
Nadel Josephine
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lew Russell G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Nabavi Shahrooz
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Myers Lawrence D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
My Visa Source
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Mw Law Offices
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Muter Anne
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mussio Wesley D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mussio Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | criminal law |
Holness Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | whiplash | car accidents | motorcycle accidents | personal injury lawyers | chronic pain syndrome | nerve damage | icbc claims lawyers |
Murtha Scott A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Holmes R Christopher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Conlin Jon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Murray Wolf
Works at McLarty Wolf
Comparelli and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | company | legal |
Holmes Patrick M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brearley Scott
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Murray Ted W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Community Legal Assistance Society
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Branch MacMaster
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | barristers |
Holmes and Bilawich
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Commonwealth Legal Inc
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Braidwood Thomas R QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Murray Jamieson
Works at Barristers and Solicitors
Holman Simon
Works at Vancouver
Braidwood Mark J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Murray Alison
Works at Murray Jamieson Barristers and Solicitors
Murray A. Clemens QC
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Bradley T Martyniuk
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Holman Maria
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Murray A Braaten
Works at Lando and Company LLP
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Bradley T Hara
Works at Hara and Company
Chris J Hope
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Murphy Michael D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chris Forguson Employment Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Murphy Leisha A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bozzer Ron
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hollinrake H A
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Chow Yee
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Murphy Battista LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bozic M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chow Ken
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Holland Roger E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bowes Edward E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | vancouver family lawyer | vancouver personal injury lawyer |
Munro Eve C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Choi Grace G QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Holeksa Guy P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Munro and Crawford Barristers and Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | criminal lawyer | property law |
Holder William D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chiu and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Boughton Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Munn D Lawrence
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hogan and Co
Works at Hogan James W
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Karen S Thompson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chilcott and Co Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Boughton Injury Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Muldoon Donald
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Hofmann Catherine A
Works at Bernard LLP
Karen Ngan
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Chew Jennifer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Muirhead Ian W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hodson Thomas E
Works at Kowarsky and Co
Boswell Garry J H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Karen Liang
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chestnut Management Ltd Partnership
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chernoff Yale M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Karen F Nordinger QC
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Hodgins Robert A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cheng J Stephen Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Boswall Glen R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Muglich Stewart L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kareen Zimmer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hodes Jonathan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chen Anna
Works at Fasken Martineau
Bosma Lilac
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Muggah Sean A
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais
Karby Michelle
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hobkirk Michael
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Checchia M J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Karby Howard
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chebunin and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Hobkirk Alan A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Karam Bayrakal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chaudhary Mel A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mouzourakis and Co
Works at Nelson Square
Areas of Expertise | civil litigation | fibromyalgia | whiplash | post traumatic stress disorder | brain injuries | personal injuries | head injuries |
Hobbs and Girody
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kaplan and Waddell
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Hlus Virgil Z
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mossing Susan B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kancs Larry E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Chatterjee Alaka
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hinkson T C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Moshonas John M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Charlton Nikki L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kalil Sarah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Himyar Law Group
Works at Ahmad J Al-Himyary - Barrister and Solicitor
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Ashley Cochran
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Morton Law LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chapman Peter A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kajoba and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hilton Mark W
Works at Bernard LLP
Arvay Finlay
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mortimore Amy A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chapman and Co Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | immigration law | lawyers | barristers | solicitors | notaries public | naturalization |
Kaila Areet S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Arthur E Vertlieb
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Boskovich Joseph A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kai Alderson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hiller Charlene
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chandler Morgyn
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Border Solutions Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Armstrong Simpson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | construction law | litigation | stock exchange listings | wrongful dismissal and employment issues | administrative proceedings | natural resources | securities and corporate |
Kahn AF and Associates Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Higgins Kathleen T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chandler Fogden Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Armstrong Michael G
Works at Armstrong Simpson
Booth Scott L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Kahlon Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chand and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bonnie Craig Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Armstrong G Arnold
Works at Armstrong Simpson
JWP Legal Services
Works at James Pflanz
Chan Yue and Lee
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ariel Laver
Works at Fasken Martineau
Bonfield Andrew
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Justin G Kates
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Chan Gary
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Arden M Beddoes
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Bomhof Jasper
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Justel Karen
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chamberlain Tanya
Works at Donaldson's
Bolton Hatcher Dance
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | impaired driving defence | criminal law firm | criminal defence lawyers | driving prohibition | dui and other driving offences | dui / impaired driving | driving defence |
Jussa Ramzan N
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Chamberlain Celeste M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bojm Funt LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jung Steven
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
CGM Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bois Charles W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Julia E. Lawn
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Bob C Starkell Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Josephson Associates Barristers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cedric Hughes
Works at Hughes and Company
Areas of Expertise | wrongful death | motorcycles | pedestrians | motor vehicles | aircraft | marine craft | bicycles |
Bo S Carter
Works at Whitelaw Twining
Cawkell Brodie LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate | real estate | estate |
Hewitt Michael J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joseph Wong
Works at Aikenhead Moscovich and Jone
Cave Derek A A Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bleay Jamie A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hettiarachchi Heather M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services | notaries | lawyers | talent management | structuring global expansions | understanding foreign tax | credit opportunities |
Joseph Saulnier
Works at Martland and Saulnier
Cavalluzzo Hayes Shilton McIntyre and Cornish LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Blanchard Gregory C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Hernaez Jeff
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joseph P. Mockler
Works at Poulsen and Company
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Blake Cassels and Graydon LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cattermole Chantal
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ardella A. Thompson
Works at Nathanson Schachter and Thompson LLP
Joseph J Arvay QC
Works at Farris Vaughan Wills and Murphy LLP
Hern Sean
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Catherine Sas Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Blake, Cassels and Graydon
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joseph E Murphy
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
Blake Angela M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Heringa Steven H
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Apna Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Black Gropper
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Joseph Doyle
Works at Lagemaat Tony lawyr
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Herbst Ludmila B QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Apex Systems LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jong Mindy A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Antifaev J D
Works at Guild Yule LLP
Herbert Deidre J
Works at McLellan Herbert
Jones Tyler M T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Henwood Professional Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anthony Robinson Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jones Tyler
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Henry Brad
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ansley Zachary J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jones Sarah W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Annu K Khanna Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bayley Alex
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Batut Sarah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Annie C Kaderly
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Black Gropper
Works at Stephanie Mayor
Battista Giuseppe
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Anne DeMeulemeester
Works at Aaron Gordon Daykin Nordlinger LLP
Basran Kathryn
Works at Schuman Daltrop Basran and Robin
Anne A. Adrian
Works at Adrian and Co
Basham Rose-Mary L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Annabel Kim
Works at Aikenhead Moscovich and Jone
Bartels Gary F
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Anna Laing
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Barnes Jacqueline D
Works at McNeney and McNeney
Anjos Law Corp
Works at Or
Barkley S L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bardos M A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Barbeau Evans and Goldstein LLP
Works at Paul S O Barbeau
Bisla Manveer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Angela M. Spanjers Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Barbara E Bulmer
Works at Maxwell Hopman Mennie
Bisbicis Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Angela E Thiele
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Banister and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bisbicis Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bancroft-Jones J
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Anfield Sujir Kennedy and Durno LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Birnie and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Balfour Richard
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Aneez N. Devji Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Bakonyi and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Androsoff Ryan J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bakker Christopher J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Lew Chuck
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Baker Wendy A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrisoi Alexandra
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Baker Allyson L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Baker and Baker
Works at Jonathan Baker
Andrew Schafer
Works at Bull Housser and Tupper LLP
Baird James
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Andrew P Jackson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Baillie Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bailey R J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bacchus Corporate and Securities Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
B P Y A Management Ltd Partnership
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Azool Jaffer-Jeraj
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | divorce | insurance claim lawyer | car accident lawyer | family mediation lawyer | brian injury lawyer | slip & fall lawyer |
Aydin Bird
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Axmann Stephanie
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Axis Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family mediation | employment lawyer | legal advice | law consultation | fraud | legal aid | human rights |
Cabanos Franco R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Awlasiewicz Lukasz
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cabal Law Corporation
Works at Sergio Cabal
Avon M Mersey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
C. Nicole Mangan Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Austin David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bystrom Christopher
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Buxton-Forman David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Aujla B Sunny
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Butler and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Asuncion and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bussoli Lino
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bussanich Mark P
Works at Sutherland Jette Barristers
Burrell Keith E QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Burns James D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Burnett Kenneth N
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Burnett Daniel W QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Burke and Jones
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | business law |
Burgi Kerry
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Burgess Kenneth R
Works at Manulife Place
Bungay Law Office
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bull Andrew
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Curtis David
Works at Fasken Martineau
Brown Peter W Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Curran Barbara J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brown Peter J
Works at Edwards Kenny and Bray LLP
Cunningham Sarah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brown Alan H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cunliffe Samantha
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brosgall and Company Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | corporate law |
Cummings Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Brook Greenberg
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Cruickshank Zukerman and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | wills and estates | criminal charges | icbc claim | fast results | positive action | supportive advice | malpractice claims |
Bronstein and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cross Davis and Co. LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cronin Kasandra B
Works at La Liberte and Co
Crickmore Gavin C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Crestani Flavio
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Creighton Derek
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bronk B R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Crawford Peter N
Works at Munro and Crawford
Craig Heather D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brock Martland
Works at Martland and Saulnier
Broadbent Arik W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cowper D Geoffrey QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
British Columbia Law Institute
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cowley and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brinton Holly A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cowan Jennifer A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brindle Derek A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cote Paul A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brighid Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cornish Barbara
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Bridget Gilbride
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Bridgehouse Management Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Naqvi Saba
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Coristine Woodall
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brian W Lindsay
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Corinne Feenie Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brian W Anderson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Coric Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Redekop Bruce D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brian T O'Neill
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Reddy Jyotika
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brian R Canfield
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rebecca Anderson Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Coric Adler Wenner Barristers and Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | business law |
Brian R Brooke
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
Corey M Dean
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Brian Mason Personal Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Reakes Vanessa L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Cordick Christa C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brian Markus Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Read Simon A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Brian J Konst
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ray Enright and Assoc Law Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Copland Douglas G
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais
Rauch Sarah
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brian E Taylor
Works at Bull, Housser and Tupper LLP
Copeland Ryan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rankin and Bond
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Brian D. Rhodes
Works at Dolden Wallace and Folick
Copeland Jordan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Randie Wilson Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Brian C Poston
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cooper William H
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Randhawa Mandeep S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
D A Knox Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cook Denis L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Brendan J. Piovesan Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Ramsay Lynn QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cytrynbaum Jordanna
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gayle Raphanel
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cuttler Gerry
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gavin Cameron
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Cuttler and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gateway Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Custodio Sergio
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Brendan F Morley
Works at Clark Wilson LLP
Garside Brad D
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Brendan Burns
Works at Miller Thomson LLP
Gardner Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Breder Rebeka
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gandhi Priti
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Ganapathi Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Galvin Lindsey C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gallagher Thomas J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Galbraith Tyler S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gail P Barnes
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | criminal law | lawyer | sexual assault | workplace sexual defence cases |
Gaffar Deanne
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
G Maynard
Works at Maynard Kischer Stojicevic Citizenship and Immigration Lawyers
G Eric Doherty
Works at BLG - Borden Ladner Gervais
Fumano Leo
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fulton Gordon A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fulton and Co Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Frydenlund Alan A QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Frost S T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Friesen and Epp
Works at Kerrisdale Office
Areas of Expertise | lawyers and attorney |
Fred Victoria
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fraser Barry R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fraser A C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fraser and Co LLP
Works at Vancouver Office
Frank G Potts
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Franco Veronica P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Francis Jenny
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fox Morgan Brown
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Fowler and Smith Barristers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Foundation Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Foster Grant
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Lever Kathryn S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Ramsay Christopher J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Rajotte Chantelle
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Railtown Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Raibmon Richard L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | barrister |
Rafter Gregg E
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Radelet and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Raab Susanne
Works at Pacific Medical Law
R Kischer
Works at Maynard Kischer Stojicevic Citizenship and Immigration Lawyers
R Keith Thompson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
R H Daignault Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
R B S Management Limited Partnership
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Miller Thomson LLP
Works at Tony Crossman
Quon Robert W
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Quo Vadi, Frank Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miller Thomson LLP
Works at Daniel L Kiselbach
Quinlan Abrioux
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Miller Thomson LLP
Works at Rick Killough
Purtzki Eric
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miller Thomson LLP
Works at Edna S C Cheung
Miller Thomson LLP
Works at Karen L Weslowski
Groves Amanda L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miller Thomson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Grossman and Stanley
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miller Paul R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Grist Bruce R
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miller Erica C
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Griffin Scott A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Millenium Management Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | business law |
Greylar Management Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Miles Kevin J Barrister and Solicitor
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Greta I. Reiten Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Milden Dan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gregory S Miller
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Mike Coric
Works at Coric Adler Wenner Barristers and Solicitors
Gregory Bruce
Works at Barrister and Solicitor
Areas of Expertise | employment law | lawyers | immigration | workers compensation | human rights |
Mihailovic Aleksandra
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gregory and Gregory
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Promislow Barry
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mickelson Howard
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Greg Fabbro
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Price-Stephens Angela
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mickelson and Whysall Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | sexual offences | driving offences & immediate roadside prohibitions | immediate roadside prohibition | domestic assault, assault & other violent offences | drug offences & civil forfeiture | theft & fraud offences | other offences |
Greg A Fabbro
Works at McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Price Kenneth A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michelle Pockey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Preszler Law Firm LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Preston Clark McLeod
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Gratl and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Michelle K Bourbonnais
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Grant Ritchey
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Preetka Brar
Works at Whitelaw Twining
Michael Wilhelmson
Works at David H Doig and Associates
Grant Murray H
Works at Murphy Battista LLP
Poulsen and Company
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | bankruptcy | law | receivership | judgment | creditor | claim | fraudulent |
Grant Kovacs Norell
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Michael T. Waters
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP - Waterfront Centre
Porta Immigration
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | immigration consultants |
Michael Soltynski
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Pontin Mark
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Grant Huberman
Works at Peter Grant and Associates
Michael S Allen
Works at Farris
Plunkett David
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Granger and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michael Parrish
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Plottel Gordon G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Plecko Helena
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michael P. Leroux Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Graham Taylor
Works at Taylor and Blair
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | pedestrian accidents | accident claims | brain or head injuries | bus & taxi accidents | slip & fall / whiplash | car & motorcycle accidents |
Michael Nienhuis
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Graeme D Martindale
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais
Michael Manhas
Works at Bull, Housser and Tupper LLP
Grace Indonesian's food
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michael M Soltynski
Works at Bernard LLP
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | commercial litigation | legal |
Gove I T
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gorgopa Peter B
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Gordon J Kopelow Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gordon J Fretwell Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Gordon Bruce M Jr
Works at Manulife Place
Gopaulsingh Jamie
Works at Vertlieb Dosanjh Barristers and Solicitors
Michael Klein law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | drug offence |
Goodman Eric
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michael Kennedy
Works at Anfield Sujir Kennedy and Durno LLP
Michael J MacLeod Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Good Edward P
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michael J Jackson
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Munsie Jay M brstr and solctr
Goldstein Gerald G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Michael H Moscovich
Works at Aikenhead Moscovich and Jone
Goldman Zimmer Bray
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Glover Winsome B brstr and solctr
Michael G K Cependa
Works at Beck Robinson and Co
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Sawyer Michael D brstr and solctr
Gold Larry A
Works at Lyons Hamilton
Michael Coburn
Works at Fasken Martineau
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Kale Michael A brstr and solctr
Godinho Rory S
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Mezzarobba Rachelle J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
GMS Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Millar Colin A brstr and solctr
The Open Door Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Fowler Morgan A J brstr and solctr
David Hopkins
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
The Granville Law Group
Works at Charles Anderson
David Hainey
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
The Cao Law Corporation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | family law |
David H Doig and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
The Block Lawyers
Works at Richard M Brooks
David F Sutherland Law Corp
Works at Fax
Areas of Expertise | lawyers |
Tham Elaine
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
David E Anderson
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Terry Vos
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Terry M Mullen
Works at Remedios and Co
Terry Gao
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Montens Patrick (Rick) brstr and solctr
Terry A Dunn
Works at Lindsay Kenney LLP
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Lowe Jeffrey J brstr and solctr QC
Terrence E King
Works at Holmes and King
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Works at Quinn Michelle A brstr and solctr
Teron Cheryl M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Tell Del
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richard Peck
Works at Jeff Campbell
Richard M Wenner
Works at Coric Adler Wenner Barristers and Solicitors
Richard Littlemore and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
David B Rally
Works at Beck Robinson and Co
Tekbas and Associates
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richard Ledding Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
David A Crerar
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP - Waterfront Centre
Taylor Veinotte Sullivan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Richard Johnson
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Darrell E Burns
Works at Burns Fitzpatrick Rogers Schwartz and Turner LLP
Taylor R L
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Richard C Robinson
Works at Beck Robinson and Co
Darmo Marc G
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Taylor Nakai Litigation
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | litigation |
Richard B Lindsay QC
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Darby T Ryan
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
RGP Law Group
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Danna J Marks
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Taylor Kathryn R
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Remedios and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daniels Stephanie J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Taylor James C
Works at Paine Edmonds LLP
Areas of Expertise | family law | personal injury lawyer | lawyer | employment lawyer | insurance litigation | icbc laywer | disability law |
Reid Jane M
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Taylor and Company Business Lawyers
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Danielle L Garand
Works at McLachlan Brown Anderson
Areas of Expertise | lawyer |
Reid Elizabeth A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Taylor and Blair
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | icbc claims | pedestrian accidents | accident claims | brain or head injuries | bus & taxi accidents | slip & fall / whiplash | car & motorcycle accidents |
Daniel M Harlos
Works at Beck Robinson and Co
Reid Duncan J
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tattrie W Bruce
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daniel K McLeod
Works at Preston Clark McLeod
Areas of Expertise | legal service |
Rego Conrad A
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tatchell Michael
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daniel J Song
Works at Song Law Corp
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Taplin Roger
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daniel G McElroy
Works at DuMoulin Black LLP
Tang Kathy
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daniel Byma
Works at Fasken Martineau
Tammy Shoranick
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dani Bryant
Works at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Talbot Lawrence W Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Damon Legal Services Ltd
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
T J Kang
Works at McCarthy Tétrault
Sze-Mei Yeung Barrister and Solicitor
Works at Richards Buell Sutton LLP
Areas of Expertise | estate | corporate lawyer | law consultation | litigation lawyer |
Swanson H Peter
Works at Bernard LLP
Swadden Richard H Barr and Sloctr
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Damiani Michael
Works at Borden Ladner Gervais
Swadden and Co
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Dalziel T D
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daltrop Paul
Works at Schuman Daltrop Basran and Robin
Dallas and Co
Works at Dennis G Dallas
Areas of Expertise | legal services |
Dalik Donald M
Works at Fasken Martineau
Dale-Johnson Alana
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Daivd H Doig
Works at David H Doig and Associates
Dairn Shane Litigation Lawyer
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
D R Robertson Law Corp
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
FC&Z Family Lawyers Vancouver
Partner at FC&Z Family Lawyers Vancouver
Areas of Expertise | family & divorce law | family & child support law | family & divorce |
Pardon Applications of Canada
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Areas of Expertise | legal | pardon |
Guardian Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Tim Louis & Company Barristers & Solicitors
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Castle Law LLP
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Jim Mutter
Lawyer at Whiteboard Law Corporation
Areas of Expertise | mergers & acquisitions | technology lawyer | corporate - commercial law | corporate finance and transaction advisory service |
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Parr Business Law
Lawyer in Vancouver BC
Owner at BisLaw